Our class is a self-contained Special Education class of students on the Autism spectrum. They are in grades K-2nd, and they present at functioning levels of 18 months to 8 years old. Many of them are challenged by their low socioeconomic status coupled with their diverse needs.
Special Education Classroom Teacher
We are in great need of technology in our classroom to be able to provide the appropriate materials for our students. Cameras, computers, and llistening devices are an essential in our room. These enable us to create and deliver multi-sensory curriculuas to our students.
My Philosophy:
I believe all students can learn and deserve the opportunity to reach their potential. For some students this means educators need to take a different route. New and innovative materials and curriculas need to be created. This can only be done given the appropriate technology in the classroom.
Personal Information:
College and Degrees:
B.A. Experimental Psychology, The University of South Carolina
M.S. Teaching Students with Disabilities, Pace University
A.C. Administration and Supervision, Hunter College
Favorite Quotes:
"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." B. Franklin