I will do all I can to provide my students with what I feel they deserve!
Personal Information:
About Me:
I teach first grade at Orendorf Elementary in Northeastern School District. As a graduate of Northeastern, I am very proud of the students and teachers in my district! I have always wanted to be a teacher from a very young age and remember helping teach my cousins how to read and sound out words. Being an only child, I practiced teaching a lot of stuffed animals and baby dolls!
College and Degrees:
I graduated from Shippensburg University in 2007 with a degree in Elementary Education and a minor in reading. I have recently been accepted into Millersville University's Language and Literacy Graduate Program that includes a Reading Specialist Certification.
I enjoy staying active by running, gardening, kayaking, and hiking.
Favorite Books:
I am always willing to pick up a good book in my free time! I aspire to write and publish at least one children's book in my lifetime.
Why Do I Teach?:
I believe that I can provide excitement and creativity to my classroom and the children I teach. I enjoy the moments when I learn from my students more than anything!