I have a 5th grade classroom in a creative arts charter school in TAOS newmexicao. I will be looping up to sixth grade with my students and then back down to 5th as I pick up a new crew.
I am going from a highly technology integrated setting (at both my last two places of employment) to a starting out charting school with next to nothing. Help me to get the technology that these students deserve.
My Philosophy:
Teach the students in front of you, set high expectations and then challenge them to strive and motivate them to want to excel and achieve them. Push them to question and become meta-cognitive learners and the content will fall into place.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have been teaching for over 20 years. I have much experience integrating multiple intelligences, the arts and technology into my daily lessons as well as differenciating for all learners
College and Degrees:
Wheelock Collect 1990- BS with a double major in Elementary and Moderate Special Needs
Cambridge College- working towards masters
Salem State, Framingham State, Fayetteville State- all continuing ed classes
archaeology- participated in a dig on the Isle of Man, theatre (father woarked as music and theatre director for the army for 20 years) - involved in community theatre board, stage managing, props, assistant directing, awards for set dressing, supervised MA HS drama festival, genealogy- researched both sides of my family back to the 8th century
Favorite Books:
Histories-Weir & Worth, Tolkien, Orson Scott Card, Austen, poetry- Frost, ee cumings, Naruda, Roethke
Favorite Quotes:
Everyday if fresh with no mistakes in it yet. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
If you think you can, you can and if you think you can't you can't
Burke Cneter, Fairfax County Schools, VA (1990-94)
Walsh MS, Framingham Public Schools, MA (1994-94)
The Gifford School, Weston, MA (1995-1998)
CollinsMiddle School, Salem Public Schools (1998-2009)
MaryMcArthur A+ School, Cumberland CO. Schools, NC
TISA Charter, Taos, NM
Why Do I Teach?:
to inspire in children a love for life long learning, to give them the confidence to question and be risk takers to look at life from more than one perspective