This classroom is setup for 20 gifted and talented students in our school. Our goal is to grow this program to bring in more gifted and talented students.
Gifted Education Teacher
Technology, Interactive White board, computers
My Philosophy:
I believe every student can learn as long as they are provided with a nurturing environment which supports them and a teacher who believes in them and encourages them to reach their full potential.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I have been teaching for 7 years. During my teaching career I have always taught the advanced learners. I recently obtained my gifted endorsement. I am a wife, a mom, cheer coach, dance mom, and a teacher.
College and Degrees:
Kennesaw State University-Bachelorof Science in Education
JacksonvilleState University-SpanishCertificate
Georgia Association of Educators
The Georgia Ballet
cooking, sewing, crafting, spending time with my family
Favorite Books:
Ramona Quimby, age 8
Tales of a fourth Grade Nothing
Anythingby John Grisham
Favorite Quotes:
Believe in yourself!
camping, technology, arts and crafts
Employment History:
2019-2020 Gifted Education Specialist
2018-20194th Grade Accelerated Math, Science, and Social Studies Teacher
2017-20182nd Grade Accelerated Math Teacher
2014-2017Georgia Pre-K Teacher
2013-2014Three Year Old Teacher Assistant