I could go on for hours about why I teach and what it means to me, but to simplify things, allow me to simply list some of the highlights:
-Myfifth grade teacher, Ms. Vincent, saved my life and kept me from going down a dark path. Unfortunately she took her own life a few years later. In honor of her, I am trying to be the Ms. Vincent for whomever I can.
-I particularly enjoy teaching upper elementary because it is the single most critical time academically for students. Students that leave elementary behind grade level are at a drastically higher risk for living in poverty or being incarcerated, especially those who are socio-economicallydisadvantaged. I want to help students realize their potential so they don't have to live this way.
-Young kids today need positive male role models that they can trust.
-As cliche as it is, teaching is not work for me. I feel like I get paid to do all of the things outside of actually teaching, because teaching is something I would do for free. I've always been a teacher in my heart.
-Finally (for now), I teach because I want to change the way students think. Over 70% of the jobs students in elementary will have later in life don't even exist. So how can we prepare them for such an unknown? Teach them to think, to challenge, to analyze, and to critique. Show them that their opinions matter, their thoughts have value, and that they are capable of things beyond their wildest imagination. Stories did that for me growing up, and I want to share that passion with kids.