I am an ESL teacher for grades K-12 at Moody Schools. Overall I support around 60 children. As you can imagine I am barely a "band-aid" for these children.
ESL Teacher
I need quick and to the minute aids to support vocabulary development. ESL children are brilliant. However, they are not assessed in the areas they are brilliant, they have the same vocabulary tests as reg. students.
My Philosophy:
I believe, as educators, we can different instruction to fit the needs of all learners. We have the resources and the technology to make this goal attainable. As an ESL teacher my goal is to collaborate with regular education teachers and help provide appropriate instructional strategies to create a successful learning environment. All children are capable of learning.
Personal Information:
About Me:
I am a certified ESL teacher. I have been teaching ESL for 4 yrs. I love teaching. I taught 2nd grade for 14 years.
I am married and have 2 children who are very busy w/school and sports.
College and Degrees:
I received my BS at Jacksonville State University, and my Masters at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
I am certified ESL and HQ.
I enjoy horseback riding, scuba diving, watching football...when I can. Usually, I am running errands or driving to practice, school and/or games.
Favorite Books:
The Stephanie Meyers series, A Thousand Splendid Suns,
Secret Life of Bees
Favorite Quotes:
Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.
Education. Church. Raising Children. Politics.
Employment History:
I have been w/St.Clair Co. School System since 1991. I taught second grade for 14 years and ESL for almost 4 years.
Why Do I Teach?:
I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. I thought I could be a teacher that could make a difference. Unlike teachers who did not take the time to help me. I am dyslexic. But, I overcame so many obstacles and I feel I am capable of sharing this w/students.