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End Date: 02/14/2013
Goal: $400.00
Raised: $0.00
My teaching partner and I have recently attended many conferences in order to improve our instructional practices. At the last few, we have heard so many great ideas for using new technology in the classroom. The iPads we are requesting will enable our students to be able to practice new skills, receive re-teaching and differentiated instruction on skills they are struggling to master and will also allow us to move closer to a paperless "green" classroom. We teach repeater English classes all day long so every student in our class is placed with us because they failed freshman English as a 9th grader. We work extremely hard to help our students get caught up on their credits so that they are able to graduate with the skills needed to become productive members of society. Ultimately we hope to obtain a classroom set of iPads, and we will get there one iPad at a time. We believe a classroom set will allow us to move our students even further.
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