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"Elements and Principles of Art Through Photography”

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Keywords: Elements and Principles of Art, Photography
Subject(s): Art, Technology, Photography
Grade 5
School: Old Town Elementary School, Round Rock, TX
Planned By: Kelly Schafer
Original Author: Kelly Schafer, Round Rock
Instructional Objectives/Expected Student Outcome:
-strengthen observation and flexible thinking inquiry skills.
-use imagination in viewing everyday objects in a new way.
-gain experience and acquire skills in working in the medium of photography with a digital camera, as well as working with basic photo editing tools (Technology integration).

Materials & Resources:
Digital camera, Photo editing tools, printer, Elements & Principles worksheets, posterboard, scissors, glue, markers.

Procedures/ Art Production:
This assignment will serve to creatively fill the small pockets of time that arise between more involved projects. The goal is for students to seek out examples of the elements and principles of art somewhere on campus, photograph them, and print them. The students’ challenge is to find creative examples in nature, in forms of equipment, on or in buildings, etc. They should not photo artwork. Ex: There is pattern in the fence around the blacktop. When the found examples have been photographed, students will help to review and finalize their compositions (possible cropping, color adjust, etc.) with photo editing software. Then they will print. They will arrange and label their printed photos as a collage on posterboard.

Evaluation Criteria: Students will be assessed on their successfulness in handling a digital camera, photo editing tools, and print functions. They will also be evaluated on the creativity of their found examples, their constructive use of time, and their respectfulness while searching around the school campus.

Materials: Point and Shoot, Printers, Art Tools