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Vivid Visual Vocabulary

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Keywords: Flip Video, Vocabulary, Digital presentations
Subject(s): Art, Health and PE, Video, Technology, Geography, Life Science, Special Needs, Writing, Music, Reading, Earth Science, Biology, Business, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Science, Civics, Math, Speech and Language, Foreign Language, Chemistry, Physics, History
Grades K through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Pompano Beach High School, Pompano Beach, FL
Planned By: Sandy Melillo
Original Author: Sandy Melillo, Pompano Beach
Because the Vivid Visual Vocabulary Project utilizes PowerPoint and iMovie or Windows Movie Maker as its presentation software, this project is easily duplicated on either a MAC or PC platform. Teachers will divide students into collaborative groups and assign each group a set of root words. Each group will choose a “theme” for their group project like “sports,” a favorite movie or TV show, a cartoon, or a special interest. Students will take each root word and look up its definition, find a word that contains the root, determine the part of speech of this word, define the word, use it in a sentence, and find or create a picture within the theme of their project that illustrates the theme of their project. All of this information will be included on one PowerPoint or Keynote slide, one for each word. Within this slide will be a video that demonstrates this word. Students will develop a project using all of their root words and add appropriate music for their presentation. As students become adept at creating vocabulary Powerpoint with video presentations, they may use this technique for other words, literary terms, and even novel presentations. Those not familiar with using PowerPoint, iMovie or Windows Movie Maker may access handouts or video tutorials from many online resources including Apple and You Tube.
Process (detailed)
• Students will participate in technology-driven project-based learning
• Students will participate in collaborative groups
• Students will utilize several types of presentation software to create an electronic project
• Students will utilize the internet to access root word definitions and the definitions of words
containing roots.
• Students will apply understanding of vocabulary to writing through sentence development.
• Students will share their presentations with peers to enhance the student-as-teacher experience
• LA.910.3.5.1 The student will prepare writing using technology in a format appropriate to the
purpose (e.g., for display, multimedia)
• LA.910.6.3.2, The student will ethically use mass media and digital technology in assignments
and presentations, citing sources according to standardized citation styles
• LA.910.6.4.1,The student will use appropriate available technologies to enhance
communication and achieve a purpose (e.g., video, digital technology) which fall specifically
under writing skills utilizing technology.
• A computer connected to an LCD projector, TV monitor, or electronic whiteboard.
• Laptop cart or 5 computers (or one computer) with internet access and presentation software
such as Powerpoint/Keynote, iPhoto/Picassa, iMovie/ Windows Movie Maker and Garage Band/Audacity.
• Flip Cameras
• An external drive or flash drives to save projects.

• One 60-90 minute class period for technology instruction if needed
• One 60-90 minute class period for creating and collating slides and music.
• 5 – 2-4G Flash drives
• 1- portable drive 120G- 1 T
• Flip Cameras
• Root word project sheet
• List of root words or vocabulary words
• Drawing materials if using original artwork
• Divide class in groups of 2-4 students
• Each group decides on a particular project theme
• Instructor assigns particular root words to each group, preferably enough for one per student
OR choose eight root words and have all groups do the same words all presented in different
• Each group will fill out the root word worksheet which will include
- root word and definition
- a word that contains the root word and its definition
- the part of speech of the word containing the root word
- the word used in a sentence
• Students will create videos representing their word, edit them in iMovie/ Windows Movie Maker, and insert them into the appropriate slide in the Powerpoint presentation.
• Students will use PowerPoint or Keynote to create a slide that includes:
- root word and definition
- a word that contains the root word and its definition
- the part of speech of the word containing the root word
- the word used in a sentence
- the video of the word
• Students will combine slides into one PowerPoint and add music from an MP3 or created in
Garage Band.
• Students will present the project to the class.
• This project can be replicated using any vocabulary suitable for the class.
Vocabualry is essential for all grades and all subject areas
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
1. Grades K-3
Students could review phonetics creating a slide show of reading words with appropriate pictures, a video of a student pronouncing the word, and even music playing under the slide or a sound effect that would be appropriate to that word.
2. Grades 4-8
Students in these grade levels have the computer expertise and the creativity to produce vocabulary presentations. This would also be a good opportunity to utilize high school students who have previously done projects to serve as mentors for groups of elementary or middle school students. There is no activity that reinforces learning more than teaching.
Geometric formulas offer many creative possibilities for videos of the shape of certain objects.

Just as Ken Burns moved generations of views with his historical slide presentations, social studies students could do the same utilizing vocabulary from different eras with appropriate videos. Certainly the vocabulary associated with geography (i.e. latitude, longitude, tundra etc.) would be the basis of very creative presentations.

Knowing root words is the basis for terms used in medicine, horticulture, geology, anatomy, biology, all aspects of science.
Root: Litho- stone Sphere- round Lithosphere

Conjugating verbs is an integral part of learning a new language and would be much more fun in video than traditional “drill and skill.”
throw the ball - lancer la balle

This project could be featured on the school website, shown on parent night, or saved to teach future classes. It could be expanded into larger concepts in any content area.
Links: You Tube
Materials: Whiteboards, Flip Video, Portable, Projector Screens, Microphones, Video Tools, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Batteries, Podcasting, Slideshow, Sound Libraries, Integrating Technology, Speech and Language
Other Items: 5 MacBook Computers, $949 each, total of $4745.00
5 Dell Laptops, $350 each, total of $1750.00
5 SanDisk 4G flashdrives, $9.98 each, total of $49.90
1 Seagate 1TB External Portable Drive, $89.82 each, total of $89.82
5 Flip Camcorders, $149 each, total of $745.00