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Types of Sentences Page Views: 664
Step 1: Each student will use a digital camera to take a picture of themselves completing an activity. We have Macs, so we like to have the students take a picture of themselves using PhotoBooth. They love being able to edit the picture and make themselves look weird.
Step 2: Students place the picture on the computer. They then place the photo in ComicLife. You could also use Pages or Word.
Step 3: Complete types of sentence project with the following requirements:
- The title "Types of Sentences" must be located in large font at the top of the project. - Photo must be located in the middle of the page. - Must have one of each type of sentence (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative) located on the project with correct punctuation marks. Must also label each sentence to tell what type it is. These sentences should be telling about the photo. - Name must be located on the project. |