Posted by Heather Chirtea at 05:50:53 PM Fri 07/02/2021 |
Survey is sent through the parent notification system and assesses the need for home connectivity and digital devices, so schools can apply to the Emergency Connectivity Fund during summer vacation.
July 2, 2021, Delaware – Digital Wish is partnering with BrightBytes, the leading data and analytics platform for education, to offer schools a way to access the $7 billion in Federal funding, one of the largest funding pools ever allocated to close the digital divide in America. Schools simply visit Digital Wish and request a single-link survey designed to collect vital information on student home technology needs, thus satisfying a critical requirement to qualify for funds. 
The BrightBytes survey is easily distributed with a single link using the schools’ emergency parent notification system, posting on the district website, or by any other communication vehicle. Administrators can reach disconnected parents by text message over the summer holiday to record the need for home hotspots and computers for America’s school children. 
The guidelines for the $7 billion ECF (Emergency Connectivity Fund) were released just as schools were going on summer break, the busiest time of the year for educators. The application deadline is August 13th, just as school staff will be returning from summer vacation.
“We are grateful to our politicians for passing the $7 billion in funding; however, many schools, especially the smaller districts, don’t yet know about the funding and will return from summer break to find they have missed one of the biggest funding opportunities that has ever existed to close the digital divide,” said Heather Chirtea, Executive Director of Digital Wish.
To apply, schools are required to quantify the number of students who need internet coverage and computing devices at home. BrightBytes will assist schools before, during and after the data collection process and will immediately send school administrators a survey report at the close of collection to support their application for ECF funding.
According to John Harrington, CEO of Funds for Learning, “It's nearly impossible to reach parents over the summer and the funding application requires schools to assess students’ needs for hot spots and computers. This survey is the fastest way we can think of to get the needs assessment completed while everyone is on vacation.”
Funds for Learning, the premiere E-rate consulting firm, worked with the BrightBytes team to craft the free survey in the language of the ECF funding guidelines, so that schools could easily align their data collection directly to the requirements of the grant application.
On top of the challenges presented by the summer application window, funding will be administered through the existing federal E-rate program, which many schools don’t qualify for, and even more don’t apply due to the complex application process. Many schools won’t apply because they don’t think they qualify for E-rate, or they lack staff qualified to fill out the complex application. Digital Wish is putting out a call to everyone to let schools know that the E-rate application has been simplified, and the rules have changed. Now all public, charter, and private (nonprofit) schools and public libraries qualify for the ECF funding. 
“ECF funding is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for education technology,” said Sheryl Abshire, former CTO of Calcasieu Parish Public Schools. She is an educator who has been an outspoken advocate for addressing equity in technology resources for her entire career. “This opportunity is too important to pass up, even if school administrators need to take a little break from summer vacation to do it. There has never been a funding opportunity like this before.”
BrightBytes has generously extended the FREE survey offer to all schools in America. According to Traci Burgess, CEO of BrightBytes, “Our mission is to transform data into actionable insights. We are proud to empower U.S. educators and support their efforts to apply for this unprecedented funding opportunity that could close the digital divide for millions of American schoolchildren.”
Request the free survey: Visit
Watch the webinar on how to register and administer the survey:
Watch webinars on “Solving the Digital Divide”, including guidance on getting your share of $7 Billion in education technology funding:
About BrightBytes
The BrightBytes mission is to actualize the expansive promise of education by transforming data into actionable insights that positively impact students’ academic and overall well-being. BrightBytes believes that the promise of education expands far beyond academics. We empower you with easy data insights, so that you can empower your students to live up to their potential, enjoy their learning experience, and emerge ready to take on the world. For more information, please visit to learn more, or reach out to Ken Goldstein, [email protected].
About Funds for Learning
Funds for Learning, LLC, is a compliance firm specializing in the federal E-rate funding program for schools and libraries. Funds for Learning supports E-rate stakeholders in all 50 states, helping them navigate the application process to receive support for internet access and Wi-Fi connectivity. To deliver application feedback to the Federal Communications Commission and Congress, Funds for Learning coordinates the annual E-Rate Trends Report. For more information, please visit or contact Brian Stephens, [email protected]
About Digital Wish
Visit to get your free survey and get guidance on applying for ECF funding. Solve the digital divide for America’s schoolchildren. Since COVID-19, Digital Wish has delivered thousands of donated hot spots to schools. They set up technology discounts with top-tier manufacturers. In 2009 Digital Wish was founded based on a seed grant from Olympus, and within two years, grew that to $5.9M, allowing the nonprofit to aid more than 500,000 students and delivering over $17 million in tech to schools. Digital Wish was also awarded an Obama stimulus grant for $1.125M dollars to implement 1:1 technology in 30 towns across Vermont, increasing student technology proficiency by 30%. With a membership of 68,000 technology educators, Digital Wish is able to offer free resources by partnering with internationally known technology names, including Motorola, Dell, Verizon, Microsoft and more.
Digital Wish Media Contact: Jennifer Miller, [email protected] Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968 302-550-3510 |
Posted by Heather Chirtea at 08:53:56 PM Thu 06/17/2021 |
Schools and libraries could miss out due to short application window
6/17/21-- The federal government is releasing $7 billion in Emergency Connectivity Funding for computing devices, hot spots, and internet service to solve the digital divide for millions of students and families across the U.S. The funding could go unused if schools and libraries don’t apply during the short application window that falls during summer vacation. Digital Wish, a Delaware-based nonprofit, is trying to get the word out as the application opens June 29th, and closes 45 days later on August 13th-- just as schools are returning from vacation. The nonprofit has pooled a wealth of information together in an online webinar hub to show applicants what is required to take advantage of this special funding. Through a series of webinars, Digital Wish talks to experts covering frequently asked questions, funding tactics and strategies. The funds could literally solve the shortfall of laptops, hotspots and internet service for millions of Americans in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Call to Action!
You can help us solve the digital divide. Digital Wish is asking everyone to urge their local schools to apply before the August 13, 2021 deadline. The $7 billion in funding is passing through the established E-rate program, however many schools don’t realize that the E-rate rules have changed. In an unprecedented shift in policy, all schools qualify, regardless of their free lunch percentages (wealth). They simply have to show that there’s a need for student devices and connectivity in the home. In order to prepare to apply, schools need to find out two things immediately: 
1. Quantify the need - Assess the need for internet and computing devices in students’ homes.
2. Get price quotes - Get written pricing on hot spots, internet service, and computing devices.
And finally, schools must apply to win. That application MUST be filed over the summer. Schools can get step-by-step instructions on how to prepare to apply at Anyone can also visit Digital Wish and share art, resources, tweets, and videos to help get the word out.
Heather Chirtea, Executive Director of the nonprofit, is worried many schools will miss out on the opportunity because they aren’t informed of the changing E-rate rules and simplified application process.
“Many smaller districts don’t even apply to E-rate because they either don’t qualify, or don’t have anyone to complete the application,” Chirtea said. “We have a host of grant-writing consultants who can help.”
Digital Wish has also created the webinar series “Solving the Digital Divide” to escalate the issues and share solutions in a permanent video archive. Digital Wish’s webinar series breaks down those new qualifications.
“E-rate has historically been a discount program based on the poverty-level of the student body,” said John Harrington, E-rate and education technology expert and CEO of Funds for Learning. “However, now the new rules allow for all schools to be paid for the full cost of home internet service and up to $250 per hot spot and $400 per computing device. All they have to do is show there’s a need.”
His is one the voices featured in the webinar series. More Digital Wish webinars are launching daily for school administrators, principals, teachers and donors. It’s now the end of the school year and it’s very hard to get educators’ attention because they are preoccupied with end-of-term assignments and graduation. Now is the time to get the word out about this crucial funding in order to bring equity to students and families across the country that lack the technology resources to access their education, but we need your help to spread the word. Together we can solve the digital divide.
About Digital Wish
Since COVID-19, Digital Wish has delivered thousands of donated hot spots to schools. They set up technology discounts with top-tier manufacturers. In 2009 Digital Wish was founded based on a seed grant from Olympus, and within two years, grew that to $5.9M, allowing the nonprofit to aid more than 500,000 students. Digital Wish was also awarded an Obama stimulus grant for $1.125M dollars to implement 1:1 technology in 30 towns across Vermont, increasing student technology proficiency by 30%. With a membership of 68,000 technology educators, Digital Wish is able to offer free resources by partnering with internationally known technology names, including Motorola, Dell, Verizon, Microsoft and more. Visit to make and get technology donations and discounts to solve the digital divide for America’s schoolchildren.
Digital Wish Media Contact: Jennifer Miller, [email protected] Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968 302-550-3510 |
Posted by Heather Chirtea at 03:21:01 AM Tue 06/08/2021 |
Students and Teachers are Invited to Download at
June 7, 2021 -- Digital Wish, a Delaware-based nonprofit, is offering free zoom backdrops for students and teachers. With fourteen free download options, the backgrounds will help keep the focus on learning and avoid awkward distractions like family members and pets running through online classes. All of the backdrops are animated and colorful. Some feature kid-friendly landscapes, while others are typical classroom settings. Download your favorites from here.  
“Learning should be fun and vibrant,” says Heather Chirtea, executive director of Digital Wish. “Underprivileged students often don’t want their classmates to see inside their homes. Video backdrops provide a fun and simple way for students to maintain confidentiality while participating in video conferencing from their homes.”
Digital Wish is offering a simple way for teachers and students to keep the focus on learning. This new offer is just one of the ways the nonprofit is making it easier for students to connect to their education. The organization also offers discounted technology products, hotspots and data plans, guidance for fundraising campaigns, a directory of schools in need, lesson plans, grants and webinars for tips on how to access federal funding. So far, Digital Wish has granted more than 34,348 wishes that come in from all across the country.
About Digital Wish
Digital Wish staff work closely with hardware and software manufacturers to provide donated and discounted technology products to K-12 schools and higher education. Since COVID-19, Digital Wish has delivered thousands of hotspots to schools. In 2009 Digital Wish was founded based on a seed grant from Olympus, and within two years, grew that to $5.9M, allowing the nonprofit to aid more than 500,000 students. Digital Wish was also awarded an Obama stimulus grant for $1.125M dollars to implement 1:1 technology in 30 towns across Vermont, increasing student technology proficiency by 30%. With a membership of 68,000 technology educators, Digital Wish is able to offer free resources by partnering with internationally known technology names, including Motorola, Dell, Verizon, Microsoft and more. Visit to learn more.
Digital Wish Media Contact: Jennifer Miller, [email protected] Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968 302-550-3510 |
Posted by Heather Chirtea at 12:56:30 AM Wed 05/26/2021 |
Sign up for the webinar series, which begins May 26th
May 26, 2021 -- COVID-19 revealed that access to the internet and computing devices is not equal across schools nationwide. Eleven million students lack internet connectivity at home and some schools are still closed due to the pandemic. This week the Delaware-based nonprofit Digital Wish is releasing “Solving the Digital Divide,” a webinar series that seeks to empower corporations and schools to close the gap in technology resources that keeps students disconnected from their education. The series educates schools on where the money is, how to get it, and what to do with it. It’s also a guide for corporations on replicating programs that allow them to easily give to those communities they care about the most. The episodes cover everything from how to set up a hot spot lending library, how to launch a corporate giving program in less than 48 hours and stories of how schools have integrated technology quickly and effectively, among other topics.
The release of the series comes when $7 billion in American Rescue Act funding has just passed in Congress. This is just one of the funds that’s been dedicated to closing the homework gap by covering the cost of laptops and hotspots for students.
According to Heather Chirtea, executive director of Digital Wish, “We have an enormous challenge to spread the word right now -- that’s why this series is so important. Most schools we talk to don’t even know the $7 billion in funding is coming. The window to apply is likely to open in June right when schools get out, and run through the holiday when most educators are on vacation. We have a huge task to spread the word so that schools can prepare.”
For those that know the funding is coming, the race is on to get schools the money they need to reconnect students to their classwork and teachers.
“Every day we don’t solve the digital divide for a student, is one day further behind that they fall,” said Don Benton, assistant commissioner at the Arkansas Department of Education, Research and Technology Division. “It’s a corporate problem for those businesses that need to hire them when they graduate. We have a moral obligation to fix this problem.” Benton, who hosts one of the webinars, will explain how to make a large purchase of hotspots, the requirements, tips and successes from the trenches. His team jumped on the problem of solving the digital divide from the state level almost as soon as the COVID pandemic hit. He was able to purchase approximately 20,000 hotspots from three different vendors. He also posted a Facebook tutorial page on instructional technology that got 25,000 followers in the first week. 
In addition to Benton, other hosts in the series include educators, principals, a librarian, Department of Education officials, technology and grant specialists. Digital Wish has teamed up with T-Mobile, Zoom, Funds for Learning, Connected Nation, corporate speakers, and many school and state institutions to put together the webinar series, which explain programs, funding and initiatives that are available to “Solve the Digital Divide.” Webinars will be accompanied by practical links, steps, programs and solutions. A video archive with shared links will be available after every episode to encourage schools to craft copycat programs.
Schedule - “Solving the Digital Divide” Webinars:
Wed, May 26 2:00 PM EST - District Technology Adoption Strategies
Fri, May 28, 11:00:00 AM EST - Identifying What Money is Available for EdTech Funding Right Now
Tue., June 1, 11AM EST - Libraries: Setting up a Technology Lending Program and Assessing the Need
Tue., June 8, 3 PM EST - Connecting Every Student with $7 Billion in Funding
Thu., June 10, 12:30PM - Corporate Social Responsibility, Harnessing the Future Workforce
Tue., June 22, 10:30 AM EST - Funding On-Campus Connections with E-rate Support
More webinars are posting daily. For the complete schedule of episodes go to
About Digital Wish
Digital Wish staff work closely with hardware and software manufacturers to provide donated and discounted technology products to K-12 schools and higher education. Since COVID-19, Digital Wish has delivered thousands of hotspots to schools. In 2009 Digital Wish was founded based on a seed grant from Olympus, and within two years, grew that to $5.9M, allowing the nonprofit to aid more than 500,000 students. Digital Wish was also awarded an Obama stimulus grant for $1.125M dollars to implement 1:1 technology in 30 towns across Vermont, increasing student technology proficiency by 30%. With a membership of 68,000 technology educators, Digital Wish is able to offer free resources by partnering with internationally known technology names, including Motorola, Dell, Verizon, Microsoft and more. Visit to learn more.
Digital Wish Media Contact: Jennifer Miller, [email protected] Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968 302-550-3510 |
Join us with WNBA Great Val Whiting to help close the Digital Divide |
Posted by Gordon Woodrow at 08:46:55 PM Wed 05/12/2021 |
ONE NATION Sports Chronicles: Get a glimpse of our interview with Val Whiting, and join us on May 12 at 8PM ET to hear more insights from the 2X All American, 2X NCAA Champion and WNBA star
This fundraising event is to help deliver hotspots to students without internet access. Come join us for a fun evening with Val!
Digital Wish Media Contact: Jennifer Miller, [email protected] Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968 302-550-3510 |
MLB Base-Stealing Legend, Dee Strange-Gordon Raises Money to Donate Hot Spots for Students in an OnZoom Fundraiser |
Posted by Heather Chirtea at 09:37:41 PM Sun 02/07/2021 |
ONE NATION Sports Chronicles Launches – Professional Athletes Join Forces in Virtual Event Fundraiser Interviews to Solve the #DigitalDivide
February 4, 2021 - Devaris "Dee" Strange-Gordon has joined forces with Digital Wish in an OnZoom fundraiser to donate hotspots to connect students with their education, whose schools have been closed due to COVID-19. Dee is widely held to be one of the greatest base stealers for the past decade. Veteran ESPN Sportscaster Sean Baligian will uncover untold stories from Dee’s incredibly versatile career.
The OnZoom fundraising event will be held Tuesday, February 9th, at 8:00 PM EST. Attendees will hear untold stories of Dee’s adventures playing for 3 MLB franchises, and can join the mission to solve the digital divide by making donations for students who are now disconnected from their education without home internet access. Reserve your free tickets here:
As the interview telethon unfolds, Dee Strange-Gordon will share stories of stealing 330 bases in the 2010s, the most of any player. Amidst tales of playing for the Dodgers, Marlins, and Mariners, attendees will be invited to join forces with Dee Strange-Gordon by making donations to buy hotspots to connect students-in-need around Dee’s hometown of Orlando, Florida.
With schools closed, home internet access has become a necessity for students to obtain an education. A single donation of $240 purchases one hotspot and connects up to 15 people, at just $16/person. Each hotspot is loaded with one year of unlimited internet, which solves the digital divide for school children, their siblings, and family members who would otherwise have no internet access at all. Internet connectivity ensures every student has an equal opportunity to succeed. Sign up for the event now, spaces are limited.
Join the Connect A Student Campaign
Donations can be made at, or by texting “Baseball” to 707070. Corporations can set up matching funds, invite employees to attend events and donate, and issue a fundraising challenge to staff and competitors on social media. Digital Wish is teaming up with players from the MLB, NFL, NBA, and NHL to raise over $24 million for hotspots and laptops for students in need. Join us as ONE NATION in bringing connectivity to all students, for education, and equity, for all.
About Dee Strange-Gordon
Strange-Gordon is an American MLB second baseman, shortstop, and center fielder. He has played for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Miami Marlins, and Seattle Mariners. In 2015, Strange-Gordon earned a prestigious Golden Glove award, one of only 37 second basemen to receive the honor. More impressively, Dee became the first player to lead the National League in both batting average and stolen bases since Jackie Robinson in 1949. Dee has been nominated for the Roberto Clemente award four times, the MLB's highest honor for those dedicated to community involvement. You can find Strange-Gordon on Instagram and Twitter.
About Sean Baligian, ESPN Sportscaster
With Sean’s 20 years of sportscasting experience he has been the host of numerous sports centric radio talk shows like 760 WJR, ESPN 96.1, and WDFN. As well, he has extensive experience co-hosting pre and post-game Detroit Lions games.
About Digital Wish
Digital Wish staff work closely with hardware and software manufacturers to provide donated and discounted technology products to K-12 schools and higher education. Since COVID-19, Digital Wish has delivered thousands of hotspots to schools. In 2009 Digital Wish was founded based on a seed grant from Olympus, and within two years, grew that to $5.9M, allowing the nonprofit to aid more than 500,000 students. Digital Wish was also awarded an Obama stimulus grant for $1.125M dollars to implement 1:1 technology in 30 towns across Vermont, increasing student technology proficiency by 30%. With a membership of 68,000 technology educators, Digital Wish is able to offer free resources by partnering with internationally known technology names, including Motorola, Dell, Verizon, Microsoft and more. Visit to learn more.
Digital Wish Media Contact: Jennifer Miller, [email protected] Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968 302-550-3510 |
Another Free Zoom Meeting Backdrop from Digital Wish! |
Posted by Heather Chirtea at 07:32:28 PM Sun 01/10/2021 |
Spice up your Zoom meetings! Just download the background to your computer.
To install the Background:
Open Zoom and start a meeting. At the bottom of your screen click Video > Choose Virtual Background > + Browse for Winter Whimsey
Don’t forget to donate at
Your donations buy hotspots for students in need.
Text Donatenow to 707070
About Digital Wish:
Digital Wish staff work closely with hardware and software manufacturers to provide donated and discounted technology products to K-12 schools and higher education. In 2009 Digital Wish was founded based on a seed grant from Olympus, and subsequently generated two-year growth to $5.9M – bringing technology to schools and impacting 500,000+ students nationwide. In the same era, the nonprofit was awarded an Obama stimulus grant for $1.125M dollars to implement 1:1 technology in 30 towns across Vermont which increased student technology proficiency by 30%. Together with Cisco, Digital Wish also distributed 58,000 Flip Camcorders to schools in 20 months. The membership of 68,000 technology educators at was developed through partnerships and grants from Motorola, Dell, Verizon, Microsoft and more. Since COVID-19, Digital Wish has delivered thousands of hotspots to schools. Visit
Digital Wish Media Contact: Jennifer Miller, [email protected] Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968 302-550-3510 |
Download Your Free Zoom Meeting Background from Digital Wish! |
Posted by Heather Chirtea at 09:52:50 PM Mon 12/21/2020 |
Happy Holidays from Digital Wish!
Just download the background to your computer.

To install the Background:
Open Zoom and start a meeting. At the bottom of your screen click Video > Choose Virtual Background > + Browse for Winter Whimsey
Don’t forget to donate at
Your donations buy hotspots for students in need.
Text Donatenow to 707070
About Digital Wish:
Digital Wish staff work closely with hardware and software manufacturers to provide donated and discounted technology products to K-12 schools and higher education. In 2009 Digital Wish was founded based on a seed grant from Olympus, and subsequently generated two-year growth to $5.9M – bringing technology to schools and impacting 500,000+ students nationwide. In the same era, the nonprofit was awarded an Obama stimulus grant for $1.125M dollars to implement 1:1 technology in 30 towns across Vermont which increased student technology proficiency by 30%. Together with Cisco, Digital Wish also distributed 58,000 Flip Camcorders to schools in 20 months. The membership of 68,000 technology educators at was developed through partnerships and grants from Motorola, Dell, Verizon, Microsoft and more. Since COVID-19, Digital Wish has delivered thousands of hotspots to schools. Visit
Digital Wish Media Contact: Jennifer Miller, [email protected] Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968 302-550-3510 |
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