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SMART Boards Available on Digital Wish
Posted by Digital Wish Support at 07:16:13 PM Fri 09/26/2008
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Sunderland, VT, September 26, 2008 - Teachers can now use donations and grant money to acquire SMART BoardTM interactive whiteboards and SMART products at digitalwish.org. Digital Wish is a public charity on a mission to modernize schools. Teachers are invited to create wish lists for classroom technology by simply browsing through an online shopping area. After making a wish for SMART Boards teachers can invite parents and donors to grant their wishes by contributing any amount of funding to their classroom shopping cart, or simply purchasing SMART products directly from their wish list. Digital Wish always matches every donation with an additional 2% in funding for schools! Participation is free, and teachers automatically qualify for 43 additional technology grants, just by posting a lesson plan. "Over 50% of the product suggestions we receive from teachers are for SMART Boards and other SMART products. This technology allows students to become engaged in learning," cites Heather Chirtea, Digital Wish's founder. In addition, when teachers select SMART products through Digital Wish, they can also choose their favorite local SMART Technologies dealer to install and service their products. Orders for SMART Boards are automatically passed through to local dealers so that schools can get the same great service they are accustomed to receiving. Technology is an essential part of the contemporary classroom, and SMART Boards have become a staple technology in ensuring student success. However with declining Federal funding, many schools can't afford the technology they desperately need. At digitalwish.org, teachers can access numerous free fundraising resources to help them acquire classroom technology. Teachers can craft a "Fundraiser in Five Minutes" by simply printing out their wish lists as donation packet. This makes it easy for schools to reach out to parents and local businesses for donations. Registration is free and teachers simply visit digitalwish.org and use the Class Locator to find their school. They can build a classroom profile, make their wish list, and network with other teacher-friends through the site. By writing a lesson plan, educators are automatically entered to win 43 technology grants and they can also access links to numerous other grants from the online library. Grant deadlines mature every month, so participating teachers are automatically in the running for new technology opportunities each month. Download ready-made flyers and reprint news articles from this link: http://www.digitalwish.com/dw/digitalwish/about Donors visit digitalwish.org and use the Class Locator to find schools in their local area, or browse through Digital Wish's national lesson plan library to find and fund submissions of merit. The longer teachers are involved, the more chances they have of receiving a grant, so schools are encouraged to invite the entire teaching staff to participate. Make a Digital Wish come true! About Digital Wish As a public charity, Digital Wish is on a mission to modernize American classrooms and prepare students for tomorrow's workforce. Educators build technology wish lists and describe how each resource will be utilized. Teachers write project plans or browse a free lesson plan library to find project ideas written by educators, outlining best practices in technology. Their classroom's story is then posted online, for review by any donor. Digital Wish works with many institutions to set up grant programs for schools. Visit www.digitalwish.org. Media Contact: Kendra Ericson Digital Wish, PO Box 1072, Manchester Center, VT 05255 Telephone: (802) 375-6721 Ext. 201 Fax: (802) 375-6860 Email Address: [email protected] Website: http://www.digitalwish.org About SMART Technologies SMART Technologies is an industry pioneer and global education market segment leader in user-friendly ICT products and group collaboration tools. The award-winning line of SMART Board interactive whiteboards is the most widely installed in the world because of its unsurpassed product quality, versatility and ease of use. The SMART Board interactive whiteboard is used to teach over 18 million students in more than 600,000 classrooms in more than 100 countries around the world. To learn more about SMART, visit www.smarttech.com. Media Contact: Public Relations SMART Technologies Telephone: (403) 802-2558 Fax: (403) 228-2500 Email Address: [email protected] Website: http://www.smarttech.com
Digital Wish Media Contact:
Jennifer Miller, [email protected]
Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968

Tags: SMART Boards, technology, grants, donate

     Feb (1)
