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Digital Wish Administers Employee Matching Fund Programs For Corporations – Local Schools Benefit
Posted by Polly Davis at 05:15:16 PM Mon 06/30/2008
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Sunderland, VT, May 16, 2008 – Digital Wish can set up employee matching fund programs for corporations wanting to give back to their local schools. There are no administrative fees, and Digital Wish will also donate an additional 2%-10% in funding, insuring that 102%-110% of the giver’s donation will be allocated directly to the school’s technology program to help modernize American classrooms. Recipients of a matching grant will first receive one donation from the employee, then a second matching donation from the corporate employer. Donated funds are instantly available to be spent on technology products for the classroom. Getting Started To set up a matching fund program, corporations simply provide Digital Wish with the following: • A list of qualifying employee names. • The corporate matching percentage. • The matching cap for each employee. • The total fund cap. Digital Wish administers the corporate matching funds according to the corporation’s guidelines, and regular reporting statements keep everyone abreast of donation levels. Many Ways to Give Corporate employees can donate in any of the following ways: • Make a cash donation to their favorite school. • Purchase items directly from a school’s wish list. • Target specific schools in a county and allocate a unique cash grant amount for each. • Enter a total sum and evenly distribute it across all the selected schools. For example, a $10,000 fund could be allocated evenly across all the schools in a local county. Targeting local or underserved schools is simply a matter of searching by region or county. Donor Recognition An acknowledgement of the donation, along with the corporate logo appears on the school’s page. Employee can also upload a photograph. Every donor can post a profile, linked from their donation listing. See example. http://www.digitalwish.com/dw/digitalwish/view_school?id=130707 Please Contact To have Digital Wish set up an employee matching fund for your business, please contact: Digital Wish, www.digitalwish.org Heather Chirtea, [email protected] P.O. Box 1072, Manchester Center, VT 05255-1072 P: (802) 375-6721, F: (802) 375-6860 More information and printable flyers are available: http://www.digitalwish.com/dw/digitalwish/matching_grant Grants can be set up at any financial level. Programs can be enacted with no administrative costs, and Digital Wish provide an additional 2%-10% premium on every funding dollar. All donations are tax-deductible and technology resources ship directly to the schools, so there is virtually no risk that funds can ever be misallocated. Make a Digital Wish come true! About Digital Wish As a public charity, Digital Wish is on a mission to modernize American classrooms and prepare students for tomorrow’s workforce. Educators build technology wish lists and describe how each resource will be utilized. Teachers write project plans or browse a free lesson plan library to find project ideas written by educators, outlining best practices in technology. Their classroom’s story is then posted online, for review by any donor. Digital Wish works with many institutions to set up grant programs for schools. Visit www.digitalwish.org.
Digital Wish Media Contact:
Jennifer Miller, [email protected]
Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968

Tags: employee matching, donors

     Feb (1)
