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Four Teachers Win a Classroom Sets of Flip Cameras for Writing Innovative Lesson Plans
Posted by John Sullivan at 02:26:25 PM Thu 06/02/2011
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Editor's Note: A few teachers were asking about the winners of the Flip Innovation Lesson Plan contest, so we re-posted this article.

Manchester Center, VT- June 2, 2011- Digital Wish has announced the winners of their wildly successful Video Innovation Lesson Plan sponsored by Flip Video™.  Four winning lesson plans were selected from almost 700 entries. One winner was chosen from each of the K-2nd grade, 3rd-5th grade, 6th-8th grade, and 9th-12th grade levels and awarded a classroom set of ten Flip UltraHD™ 1 hour video camcorders.  

K-2nd Grade Winner
Ashley Parker from Martin Elementary School in Flowery Branch, GA won for her lesson plan "1st Grade Shape Search."  Students use Flip video cameras to record their search for shapes in their school and compete to find the greatest amount of correctly identified shapes.

3rd- 5th Grade Winner
Debbie Matteson from Olathe Elementary School in Olathe, CO won with her lesson plan "Phantom Tell Booth."  A Flip video camera "tell booth" is set up in her classroom (a refrigerator box with a mounted Flip inside is recommended) for students to record their ideas and solutions to problems.  She notes it is especially useful for students who are reluctant to participate in group discussions.

6th- 8th Grade Winner
Michael Buist from Audrey and Robert Ryan Elementary in Chandler, AZ won with his lesson plan "30 Ways In 30 Days."  Students use Flip video cameras to create original documentaries on what they can do to change the world for the better.  Buist has posted pictures of the project on Flickr and started a blog to highlight the 30 Ways project.

9th- 12th Grade Winner
Gordon Brown from Clyde A. Erwin High School in Asheville, NC won with his lesson plan "Flip, Flop and Fly Your Way Through Adjectival Endings."  Students form groups to make videos teaching foreign language adjectival endings.  Through bloopers on film requiring remakes, students will learn quickly how adjectival endings, and the language at large, works.

All four winners will receive classroom sets of 10 Flip cameras.  Their lesson plans, as well as every lesson plan entered in the contest, will be hosted and made available to the public for use in their classrooms at www.digitalwish.org.

To qualify for the Video Innovation Lesson Plan Contest, teachers from all over the country submitted their best lesson plan ideas that utilized Flip video cameras.  Lesson plans could cover any subject area and were judged based on their utilization of Flip video cameras, degrees of innovation and originality, and level of student involvement.  The winners were announced publicly through Digital Wish's Twitter account on June 1st, 2011.

About Digital Wish
Digital Wish (http://www.digitalwish.org) is a non-profit on a mission to solve technology shortfalls in K-12 classrooms.  The www.digitalwish.org website is designed to help teachers locate much-needed funding for classroom technology. Teachers make technology wish lists, and supporters make those wishes come true. Over 25,000 technology wishes have been granted. Digital Wish provides a host of fundraising ideas and allows teachers to e-mail and print their technology wish lists so that parents and community members can contribute.  For more information, please visit http://www.digitalwish.org.


Digital Wish Media Contact:
Jennifer Miller, [email protected]
Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968

Tags: Video Innovation Lesson Plan Contest, Flip Video, Lesson Plan Contest, Winners Announcement

     Feb (1)
