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Educational Grant Programs are Created with No Administrative Cost on Digital Wish
Posted by Jon Ketchum at 05:07:52 PM Mon 06/30/2008
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Sunderland, VT, January 9, 2007 - Foundations wanting to give large numbers of technology grants to local schools, no longer have to bear the cost of creating a grant application, marketing their opportunity to schools, reviewing applications, and judging submission. Instead, Digital Wish allows foundations to select all the schools in a single region and give a technology grant to each. Schools use donated funds to purchase much-needed technology products for their classrooms. Digital Wish then matches every cash donation with an automatic 2%-10% rebate to the schools, insuring that 102%-110% of the giver’s funding will be allocated directly to the school’s technology program to help modernize American classrooms. Local Giving Priorities Like a wedding registry, schools use www.digitalwish.com to create a “wish list” of needed technology products for their classroom. Donors then visit Digital Wish and elect to buy items directly from the teacher’s wish lists, or donate money directly to local schools in need. Funding can be allocated to schools across any local region in the following ways: * Browse local teacher profiles, identify worthy classrooms, and award product grants by purchasing items from a school’s wish list. * Select all the schools in a county and allocate a unique cash grant amount for each. Schools then decide which wish list items to purchase. * Enter a total sum and evenly distribute it across all the selected schools. For example, a $22,000 fund could be allocated evenly across all the schools in a local county. Targeting local or underserved schools is simply a matter of searching by region or county. A single transaction can include any number of cash donations and/or product purchases, for any number of schools, in any local area. Creating A Competitive Grant Program If a foundation prefers to create a unique competitive grant program, Digital Wish can construct an entire program, at no cost to the philanthropic sponsor. Online grant applications can be created with fields for minority status, income levels, or new judging criteria based on any priorities set by the philanthropic giver. Judging can occur from any internet connection with three elimination rounds tailored to any foundation’s needs, or winners can be selected randomly. Digital Wish can even filter out the best applications, in order to narrow the field of candidates for the judges. Donors Are Recognized The corporate or foundational logo can appear on each school’s profile page where a grant is provided. Press release templates are automatically sent to schools, making it easy for the local press to acknowledge the philanthropic contributions. Printable templates encourage teachers to send newsletter updates to parents, community networks, and the press. Corporate donors benefit from cause-related marketing, foundational donors can easily widen their philanthropic reach, schools are modernized, fantastic press is garnered, and there is virtually no overhead cost to administer a wide scale grants program for a large numbers of schools. Larger donors will be publicized on the Digital Wish home page so that all schools are made aware of their contributions. About Digital Wish As a public charity, Digital Wish is on a mission to modernize American classrooms and prepare students for tomorrow’s workforce. Educators build technology wish lists and describe how each resource will be utilized. Teachers write project plans or browse a free lesson plan library to find project ideas written by educators, outlining best practices in technology. Their classroom’s story is then posted online, for review by any donor. Donors Contributions All technology resources ship directly to the schools, so there is virtually no risk that grant funds will ever be misallocated. There is never any cost associated with making donations. Digital Wish also provides schools with cash-back manufacturer’s rebates on every product purchase, giving schools an additional cash award and insuring that 102%-105% of the donor’s funds benefit classroom teachers and their students. These rebates motivate schools to continue supporting their technology program, even after the donor’s award has been utilized. Call to Action Please contact Digital Wish to set up a cost-free educational giving program. We can: 1. Distribute funds to local schools and cost-free. 2. Create a competitive grant program for schools under your branding. Grants can be set up at any financial level. Programs can be accomplished with no administrative costs, and technology rebates provide an additional premium on every foundation’s funding dollar. Make a Digital Wish come true! About Digital Wish Digital Wish is a public charity with a mission to modernize American schools and prepare students for tomorrow’s workforce.
Digital Wish Media Contact:
Jennifer Miller, [email protected]
Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968

Tags: grants

     Feb (1)
