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Donated Brocade Mobility Wireless Equipment for Schools with 50% Free and Reduced Lunch
Posted by Jonathan Gallup at 10:40:34 AM Tue 07/16/2013
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July 15th, 2013, Manchester Center, VT – Qualified schools can receive up to 10 Brocade Mobility wireless LAN controllers and access points. Brocade has generously donated a selection of their Brocade wireless hardware products to Digital Wish and these donations are now available to schools. Even for small schools, wireless equipment can cost upwards of $30,000 but with Digital Wish’s donation program, hardware is provided for just a delivery fee. Schools that have 50% of students in the free and reduced lunch program can receive donated products like the Series 300 Access points, Series 5181 Outdoor access points, Series 7131 Access points, and RFS7000 LAN controller.  The street value of this equipment ranges between $265 to $5,500. See them here.

With this special offer schools can get 10 Brocade products per year. These products can also be used to expand the size of a Brocade wireless network. The products also feature automatic configuration meaning the access point will automatically download all configuration parameter and any necessary firmware updates. This greatly reduces installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting costs. There is also a built-in power supply that receives power and transfers data through a single CAT-5 Ethernet cable.

With a secure wireless network, you can provide building-wide access, or even remote access with a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Plus, you can grant wireless network access to your administrators, teachers, students and guests; easily share printers, servers, intranets, and wireless applications; and take advantage of real-time web conferencing tools without slowing down your internet.

Brocade hardware can help address WiFi overload in high-use environments, like conference rooms, auditoriums, classrooms, and lobbies. When large numbers of devices try to simultaneously access your WiFi, Brocade’s tools monitor each session over the network, and adjust the network as needed to keep it running smoothly. Technology is a key part of a modern education.

Brocade also donated some of their high-performance controllers and access points for large scale schools. These devices support high bandwidth wireless networks and provide comprehensive, layered security (FIPS compliant).  The 50% free and reduced lunch qualification applies. [email protected]


About Digital Wish

At www.digitalwish.org, teachers make technology wishes, and donors make those wishes come true with contributions, bringing technology to needy classrooms in all 50 states. Since August 2009, Digital Wish has granted over 30,592 classroom technology wishes through its online network of over 62,000 teachers, and delivered over $13 million in technology products to American classrooms directly impacting over 500,000 students.

For more information, contact Amanda Stevens, [email protected], 802-375-6721.

Digital Wish Media Contact:
Jennifer Miller, [email protected]
Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968

Tags: Brocade, Free Lunch, Wireless, Access Points, Mobile

     Feb (1)
