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Vote Today- Help Digital Wish Make the Technology Wishes of over 500 US Classrooms Come True
Posted by John Sullivan at 03:38:46 PM Thu 09/02/2010
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Manchester Center, VT, September 1, 2010 - Your votes are needed to help Digital Wish make the technology wishes of over 500 classrooms come true. In order to win the funding required to see these wishes realized, Digital Wish must generate the most votes in the month of September and finish as one of the top two $250,000 awardees on www.refresheverything.com/digitalwish. If Digital Wish wins, US classrooms win! The classrooms that generate the most votes for Digital Wish will be awarded total classroom technology makeovers valued at $10,000. Supporters are encouraged to vote every day throughout the month of September.

Every teacher’s profile on Digital Wish contains a direct link to the Pepsi Refresh site. Teachers are encouraged to invite their parent and student networks to visit their Digital Wish profile and follow the voting link to the Pepsi Refresh site. We count every vote. The more votes teachers generate through their Digital Wish profile, the better chance they will have to see their biggest classroom technology dreams fulfilled!

The three teachers who garner the most votes throughout the month of September will receive $10,000 total classroom technology makeovers. The four teachers with the next highest amount of votes will have their wishes of up to $5,000 fulfilled. After that, 100 teachers will receive $500 worth of technology wishes, and 400 more educators will receive $250 worth of technology wishes. These wishes will be fulfilled using technology from Digital Wish’s extensive online catalog. With multiple exclusive deals with leading technology manufacturers, Digital Wish is the premiere source for educational technology.

These 507 classrooms will only have their wishes fulfilled if Digital Wish ranks in the top two for the month of September on Pepsi Refresh. If you would like to help Digital Wish’s cause, you can either vote for them directly at www.PepsiRefresh.com/DigitalWish, or you can visit the Digital Wish homepage at www.digitalwish.org to find your favorite teacher and help them win their classroom technology wish by clicking on the Pepsi Refresh button from their profile. One vote is allowed per day, so return often to help Digital Wish and your favorite classroom receive new technology.

According to Digital Wish’s Founder and Executive Director Heather Chirtea, “Every classroom teacher has a huge network of parents and students who care about technology. If even a handful of people from those networks vote, Digital Wish will be able to enhance learning for thousands of students nationwide. These fulfilled wishes will spark a wave of technological upgrades and inspire teachers to refresh their curriculum.”

Digital Wish hopes back-to-school excitement will fuel their campaign with fresh energy and propel them to victory. “We couldn’t have asked for a better time to be campaigning for this project than right now,” said Chirtea. “This could start the school year off right for many classrooms that suffer from a shortfall of new technology.”

About Digital Wish
Digital Wish is a non-profit on a mission to solve technology shortfalls in American classrooms. Educators build technology wish lists and describe how each resource will be utilized. Classroom stories are posted online, for review by any donor. Teachers can fundraise for technology or browse a free lesson plan library to find curriculum ideas. Digital Wish works with many institutions to set up cost-free grant programs for schools, and matches every donation with an additional 2%-10% in funding. Visit www.digitalwish.org.
Digital Wish Media Contact:
Jennifer Miller, [email protected]
Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968

Tags: pepsi, refresh, vote, wish, technology, 507, september

     Feb (1)
