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Free eBook Building Course - Get a free marketplace and deliver your lessons to iPads, Smartphones, and Tablets
Posted by Jonathan Gallup at 10:38:38 PM Thu 11/14/2013
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November 14, 2013, Manchester, VT - Join Digital Wish for our HP Catalyst Academy eBook Hack-a-thon course starting November 18, 2013 at 4 pm EST. Participants will attend a webinar on how to create an eBook with Digital Wish’s new software, eBuilder. Enroll in the HP Catalyst Academy course, qualify for badges, and receive a free eBuilder account. You’ll get a certificate of completion from HP Catalyst showing 8 hours of professional development training and a badge, upon completion. Participants will learn how easy it is to build an eBook and deliver it to any mobile tablet, iPad, or smart phone. Register for any or all of 4 different eBook building webinars, or watch the archives afterwards. Every enrollee receives a free eBuilder account.

The eBook Hack-a-thon course is comprised of four activities, and for each activity there is a scheduled webinar. The course takes about 8 hours to complete; however, if you don’t have the time, just sign up for any of the individual webinars here.  We’ll be archiving every webinar after it runs, so you can easily attend those webinars whenever your schedule allows, or catch the archive if you are too busy. Work at your own pace and collect your badge as soon as you complete each activity.

The Course

Each of the HP Catalyst Academy mini-courses are structured with 4 bite-sized activities.

Activity 1 - Build your first eBook - The live webinar is November 18 at 4pm EST, and it orients the participants on the basics of eBook building.

Activity 2 Outline your eBook - Attend the webinar on November 19th at 4pm EST. It really gets into the nuts and bolts of eBook building.Teachers should come prepared with a topic taken directly from the upcoming curriculum to use in building their first eBook. Together we’ll review the types of sources supported by the eBook tools, and target the most appropriate types of media and source documents to include.

Activities 3 and 4 - Collect & Construct, Manage Your Marketplace Join the webinar on November 22, 2013 at 4pm EST and participants will get advanced tips on eBook construction, as well as, inviting readers and writers to their marketplace.

Classroom Projects, Q & A - Anyone with extra questions can sign up for the webinar on November 25th at 4pm EST.  This will be an open forum on eBook building and we can review any topic.

Ease of Use

Don’t worry if you are a beginner computer user. The free eBook building software was built with novice computer users in mind. The Executive Director of Digital Wish, Heather Chirtea said, “Anybody can do this. its not just for the savvy teachers, we designed it for everyone. If you can drag-and-drop, you can build an eBook!”

Request Your Free eBook Software

Anyone can request a free teacher account by emailing Lauren Chaves at [email protected].

Media Contact: Lauren Chaves, [email protected]

Digital Wish, PO Box 1072, Manchester Center, VT 05255

Telephone: (802) 375-6721

Website: http://www.digitalwish.org

Digital Wish Media Contact:
Jennifer Miller, [email protected]
Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968

Tags: eBook Building Course, eBook, Lesson, Course, Free

     Feb (1)
