Get the iPad Mini on your Wish List before the Holidays!
We've been delivering a lot of iPad donations for Digital Wish members, so be sure to login and add iPads to your wish list. Your PTA and supporters can donate, and Digital Wish delivers right to your classroom. Here's the iPad and accessories center:
Need extra cash for your iPads? Try Recycle Forward!
Recycle your old cell phones, ink cartridges, and computers and get money to buy iPads and any new technology! Our staff raised $850 at the local elementary school in one Saturday, just by inviting the community to drop off their old technology! This is a great community service learning project for your students! We give you the flyers, email templates and a press release to announce the drive to your community. There's no cost and even the shipping labels are free. Get started now here.
Recycle Forward Bonus Available
Right now there's a $25 bonus cash award, for every $150 raised each month. 100% of your earnings go directly to your Digital Wish account to make technology purchases.
Great Deals
We have USB Document Cameras for only $79.95, iPad Mobile Lab Cases for $349.95 and BrainPOP is offering a "Buy One, Give One" classroom subscription. Check out the current deals here!
Digital Wish Media Contact: Jennifer Miller, [email protected] Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968 302-550-3510