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Microsoft and Adobe Products Now Available on Digital Wish
Posted by Jon Ketchum at 12:32:45 PM Tue 06/09/2009
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Teachers can now use donations, grant money, or other school funds to purchase Microsoft and Adobe products at Digitalwish.org.

Manchester Center, VT, June 9, 2009 - Getting Adobe Systems Incorporated and Microsoft Corporation products into the classroom is now easier than ever at www.digitalwish.org. Digital Wish, a non-profit dedicated to modernizing classrooms, administers a constant stream of small grants to schools and helps teachers find and acquire funding for technology. Digital Wish not only offers Adobe and Microsoft products, but also automatically matches each purchase by giving 2% - 10% back to teachers every time they place an order. For example, if a donor or school purchases the Adobe® Create Suite 4® Design Premium site license, that school would automatically receive $189.98 to apply to a future purchase. In addition, Digital Wish demands no fee, ensuring that 100% of every donation will benefit classroom teachers and their students.

"Adobe and Microsoft products comprise some of the top requested products on the site," said Heather Chirtea, Digital Wish's Founder. "We're happy we can offer teachers the technology they really need to ensure their students' future success. Purchases and monetary contributions are also tax deductible, making Digital Wish a great resource for potential donors."

How it works:
Donors and teachers can register for free on digitalwish.org. Teachers set up "wish lists" for the Microsoft or Adobe products and other classroom technology they need, and donors can give cash donations or purchase items directly from a teacher's wish list. Using Digital Wish's Class Locator, donors can find teachers or schools anywhere in the United States. After receiving a cash donation, teachers "go shopping" for the technology they need, and Digital Wish donates 2% - 10% of every order back into their shopping cart.

About Digital Wish
As a non-profit, Digital Wish is on a mission to modernize American classrooms and prepare today's students for tomorrow. Educators build technology wish lists and describe how each resource will be utilized. Their classroom's story is then posted online, for review by any donor. Teachers write project plans or browse a free lesson plan library to find project ideas written by educators, outlining best practices in technology. Digital Wish works with institutions to set up cost-free grant programs for schools, and then matches every donation with an additional 2%-10% in funding. Visit www.digitalwish.org.

About Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe revolutionizes how the world engages with ideas and information - anytime, anywhere and through any medium. For more information, visit www.adobe.com.

About Microsoft
Founded in 1975, Microsoft Corporation is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. For more information, visit www.microsoft.com.

Digital Wish Media Contact:
Jennifer Miller, [email protected]
Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968

Tags: Microsoft, Adobe, Software

     Feb (1)
