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Invite Your Students to Enter the Kodu Game Design Contest for K-12 Vermont Classrooms - Win Xbox Kinect
Posted by Jonathan Gallup at 07:31:53 PM Thu 04/19/2012
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April 19, 2012 - Manchester, VT - Students as early as 4th grade, are building incredible 3D computer games with just one class period of training!  Through May 18th, 4-12th grade students across the state of Vermont will be given the opportunity to participate in a game design competition sponsored by Digital Wish.  Kodu Challenge is a game design contest broken down into two categories, grades 4-6 and 7-12, and each member of the the grand prize winning team will be awarded an Xbox 360 with Kinect, courtesy of Microsoft. Runners up will receive Xbox game bundles.  You can visit the Kodu Challenge website here: http://www.digitalwish.org/kodu-contest/index/home

Kodu Challenge invites students to create a fun, innovative computer game using Microsoft Kodu Game Lab, a game design software that requires no experience.  Students can enter either as a team of up to 4 people, or as an individual. Each individual or team may only submit one game.  Kodu Game Lab is a free program and can be downloaded here: http://fuse.microsoft.com/page/kodu

The students are discovering that Kodu software is incredibly easy to use. Digital Wish has been teaching the Kodu software in its after-school clubs, where high school students act as mentors for elementary kids in grades 3-6. Within the first class period, all the participants succeed in building a 3D world with terrain, objects, characters, and controls.  Over the course of just 4 class periods, the students are developing complex behaviors, paths, reactions, dialog and surprisingly advanced gaming strategy.

For educators, adoption of the Kodu software is made easy. There is a wide array of included tutorials that allow students to literally follow along and try out complex features that challenge students to think critically and use their problem solving skills.  Upon teaching an introductory lesson to Kodu, Digital Wish’s Executive Director, Heather Chirtea, noted that “Kodu gives students the ability to solve complex problems using nothing more than simple mouse clicks.  By the end of the first lesson, students were soaring through the beginning tasks and moving on to discover creative new ways they could program their characters!”  

For more information, visit the Kodu Challenge website here: http://www.digitalwish.org/kodu-contest/index/home

About Digital Wish
Digital Wish is a non-profit on a mission to solve technology shortfalls in K-12 classrooms.
The www.digitalwish.org website is designed to help teachers locate much-needed funding for classroom technology. Here, teachers can make technology wish lists...and supporters make those wishes come true. PTA’s and PTO’s can start online fundraisers for new classroom technology in just a few mouse clicks, complete with credit card processing. Over 28,000 classroom technology wishes have been granted!

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Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968

Tags: Kodu, Xbox, Kodu Challenge, Contest

     Feb (1)
