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Livescribe Partners with Digital Wish to Provide Teachers with Education Discounts for Echo™ Smartpens
Posted by John Sullivan at 02:37:27 PM Tue 11/09/2010
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Manchester Center, VT - Nov. 9, 2010 - Digital Wish (www.digitalwish.org), an online registry for education technology funded by individual and corporate donations, announced today a partnership with Livescribe (www.livescribe.com), which allows individual educators to purchase a Livescribe Echo smartpen at a discounted price, along with supporting K-12 education-related materials and tools.

The Livescribe Echo smartpen simultaneously captures everything a person hears and writes, making it possible for students and teachers to easily revisit classroom instruction, professional development meetings, parent-teacher conferences and in-class observations. Students, teachers, and parents can simply tap on their written notes either directly on paper or on a computer via the Livescribe Desktop software. Educators can share an interactive copy of their synchronized notes and audio called "pencasts" with their students, parents and colleagues. Pencasts can be shared in three ways: as a .pencast file, through Livescribe's online community, or even directly on a blog or website.

"Livescribe's smartpens are transforming the classroom," said Holly De Leon, Livescribe vice president, K-12 sales. "Educators don't need to learn a new technology or alter the way they teach to reap immediate benefits from using a smartpen in class. In a matter of minutes, teachers can begin using Echo for personal productivity, to share lessons with their students online or even put the smartpen in the hands of their students to understand their thought process in answering a question. We're excited to make our technology even more accessible to the individual teacher through our partnership with Digital Wish."

Digital Wish founder, Heather Chirtea said, "We are very excited to be working jointly with Livescribe to help teachers. We scour the market looking for new classroom technology and Livescribe's smartpen cleverly solves many classroom challenges."

How it Works

Through Digital Wish, educators can purchase the 8GB Echo smartpen at the 10 percent discounted price of $179.96. In addition, each purchase will include the education bundle which contains a notebook, USB connector cable, two ink cartridges, K-12 Deployment Guide, and MyScript Software,* a handwriting to text transcription application. The 10 percent discount also applies to the 4GB Echo smartpen.

To access this exclusive offer, educators can register their classroom at www.digitalwish.org and purchase directly through the Digital Wish Online Shopping Area. Non-educators can purchase Echo smartpens for their favorite classroom in online classroom profiles.

The program is available exclusively for classroom usage in non-profit PreK-12 classrooms in the US. Purchase is limited to two Echo smartpens per classroom.


About Digital Wish

Digital Wish is a non-profit on a mission to solve technology shortfalls in American classrooms. Educators build technology wish lists and describe how each resource will be utilized. They can share fundraising campaign plans or browse a free lesson plan library to find pertinent project ideas that outline the best ways to use their new classroom technology. Their classroom's story is then posted online for review by any donor. Digital Wish works with many institutions to set up cost-free grant programs for schools, then matches every donation with an additional 2%-10% in funding. Visit http://www.digitalwish.org.

About Livescribe

Livescribe is fundamentally changing the way people capture, access and share information with pen and paper. Livescribe's smartpens provide students with unlimited access to teacher instruction-anytime, anywhere. Educators can create customized instruction, monitor student progress and build a collaborative environment that drives achievement for all students. Administrators can extend staff training and knowledge sharing. Visit www.livescribe.com/education.

Since its education launch in March 2009, Livescribe has won multiple education awards, including the 2009 and 2010 Tech & Learning Award of Excellence, 2009 SIIA Most Innovative Educational technology, 2010 AEP Golden Lamp and the 2010 AEP Distinguished Achievement Award.

*MyScript included with the 8GB Echo smartpen only. 4GB Echo smartpen includes all accessories except MyScript software.

Digital Wish Media Contact:

John Sullivan

Digital Wish

802.375.6721 x210

[email protected]

Livescribe Media Contact:

Kylie Black

Sensible City

312.528.9111 x108

[email protected]

Digital Wish Media Contact:
Jennifer Miller, [email protected]
Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968

Tags: Livescribe, smartpen, education bundle, special, exclusive, partnership

     Feb (1)
