[via http://www.toolfactory.com/Press/DigitalWishGrants.htm]
Sunderland, VT, July 12, 2007 – Every teacher has the power to earn funding at www.digitalwish.com. Like a wedding registry, teachers make their technology wishes public and tell their story, so that anyone can make a donation to their classroom’s cart. Registered teachers will automatically qualify for 43 new technology grants from Olympus and Tool Factory, including a Mobile Digital Camera Lab. Grants are then awarded to the teachers with the best all-around class profile and lesson plans.
Regardless of whether teachers win a grant, their story will be available for any potential donor to read, and later contribute to. Unlike most grants, Digital Wish provides a constant possibility of receiving funding for every applicant. The Digital Wish website also features a library of grant links and fundraising resources to help educators find additional funding for technology. There’s even an extensive library of lesson plans so that educators can find ideas for digital projects.
The Grants
Teachers register once, then there’s no need to reapply each month – all original lesson plans are eligible to win any grant opportunity. Three Mobile Digital Camera Labs worth $3,500 will be awarded annually. Every month, Digital Wish will award digital cameras and podcasting software from Olympus and Tool Factory. Software site licenses will be given away in all core subject areas and special education. All grants will be judged based on:
* Creativity and depth of the Digital Wish user profile.
* Popularity of lesson plans.
* Quality of lesson plan.
* Activity of the Digital Wish user.
Olympus and Tool Factory invite educators to share their ideas and tell their stories on Digital Wish.
Visit Digital Wish at www.digitalwish.org and get the complete schedule of grant awards and deadlines.
Digital Wish Media Contact: Jennifer Miller, [email protected] Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968 302-550-3510