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Digital Wish’s Apps Center for Education Helps Teachers Identify Android™ Apps for the K-12 Classroom!
Posted by Sky Kochenour at 12:20:14 PM Tue 03/20/2012
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Manchester Center, VT – March 21st, 2012 – Funded by a grant from the Motorola Mobility Foundation, Digital Wish has just launched the Digital Wish Apps Center, the newest tool designed to help teachers find the best educational applications designed for the Android™ operating system.  With so many apps currently on the market, this tool was created to give teachers an easier way to filter through them based on search criteria such as grade level, subject, free/paid, and ratings by fellow educators. In just a few mouse clicks, educators can find apps that fit their topic and grade level, then immediately download them from from Google Play™.

School technology budgets have been cut so far that many classes have very limited or no access to technology. Yet, at the same time, students are bringing their smartphones to class. Without adequate technology funding, some schools that have historically banned cell phones are taking a hard look at the devices students are bringing into the classroom and teachers are discovering some fantastic apps that turn these smartphones into learning tools. According to classroom trainer Eric Bird, “The ability to use student devices can give a whole new population of students access to learning technology, who would otherwise have to go without.”

“We are thrilled that Digital Wish has leveraged our Empowerment Grant to link classroom needs with mobile technology resources, ultimately helping to transform educational communities,” said Eileen Sweeney, director of the Motorola Mobility Foundation.   

As a nationwide trend, an increasing number of schools are looking at tablets as an alternative to costly computers. Digital Wish’s Apps Center was developed to help educators identify the perfect app among the thousands available in Google Play.  Digital Wish Program Developer, Sky Kochenour explains, “The tablet market is taking off, and apps are being developed so quickly that it has proven extremely difficult for educators to sort through the masses and select the appropriate apps to use in the classrooms. The Apps Center is a catalyst for changing the educational pathways to technology.”

With the prevalence of tablets and mobile devices in the classroom, the Apps Center gives teachers the ability to find what they are looking for quickly and conveniently.  They will spend less time searching, and more time teaching. Digital Wish carefully pre-screens all apps before they are showcased in the Apps Center to determine their appropriateness for teachers.  This allows teachers to go to directly to the Apps Center, do a quick search, and locate apps that are relevant to their needs.

Visit the apps center and give it a try for yourself.


About Digital Wish

Digital Wish is a non-profit on a mission to solve technology shortfalls in K-12 classrooms.

The www.digitalwish.org website is designed to help teachers locate much-needed funding for classroom technology. Here, teachers can make technology wish lists...and supporters make those wishes come true. PTA’s and PTO’s can start online fundraisers for new classroom technology in just a few mouse clicks, complete with credit card processing. Over 28,000 classroom technology wishes have been granted!


About Motorola Mobility Foundation 

The Motorola Mobility Foundation is the charitable and philanthropic arm of Motorola Mobility. With employees located around the globe, Motorola Mobility seeks to benefit the communities where it operates. The company achieves this by making strategic grants, forging strong community partnerships, fostering innovation and engaging stakeholders. The Motorola Mobility Foundation focuses its funding on education, community, health and wellness and disaster relief. For more information, on Motorola Mobility Corporate and Foundation giving, visit Motorola.com/give.

Digital Wish Media Contact:
Jennifer Miller, [email protected]
Digital Wish
PO Box 255
Milton, DE 19968

Tags: motorola, apps center, google

     Feb (1)
