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Computer Graphics Design I

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Keywords: Computer Graphics Design
Subject(s): Technology
Grades 9 through 12
School: Nash Central High School, Rocky Mount, NC
Planned By: Linda Alston
Original Author: Linda Alston, Rocky Mount
Objective: To practice using brushes, selected filters, and blending modes. Brushes, paint modifyers, layer blending, filters and gradient blend.

Create a collage of images that tells a visual story a theme such as "Senoritis", "Nash Central Bulldogs", "Favorite Pasttime(s).

Resources: Your own art/photo/things scanned, digital camera or Internet.

Document: Set it up in Photoshop.

Students will be evaluated for completing the activity and the degree of creativity.
Students who are enrolled in this class often use skills learned to develop products for their graduation project.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Create a historical time-line using images to illustrate important events.
Materials: Printers
Other Items: 1 Digital Camera, $179.00 each, total of $179.00
1 Color Laser Printer, $450.00 each, total of $450.00