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Video Analysis of Weightlifting Technique

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Keywords: Weightlifting, Olympic Weightlifiting, Snatch, Clean and Jerk
Subject(s): Health and PE
Grades 9 through 12
School: Chestatee High School, Gainesville, GA
Planned By: Stan Luttrell
Original Author: Stan Luttrell, Gainesville
Warm-Up: Dynamic Warm Up and Dot Drill
Bar Warm Up for each lift prior to performing the lift

Snatch: Students will be lead through a progressive warm up in the snatch exercise. Students will then be given 3 attempts at working up to a best effort for the snatch exercise. Each lift will be videoed for every student.

Clean and Jerk: Students will be lead through a progressive warm up in the clean and jerk exercise. Students will then be given 3 attempts at working up to a best effort for the clean and jerk exercise. Each lift will be videoed for every student.

*During the next class session the class will be given a snatch and clean and jerk rubric and be asked to evaluate each of their lifts performed from the previous day.

**The instructor will review and answer any questions regarding the rubric and the technique of the exercises. At the end the students will see how their evaluation compares to the instrutors.

***In closing the lesson, students will be reminded of the importance of great lifting technique and how it relates to performance and staying injury free.
This is a very effective way for the students to evaluate their own weightlifting technique. It will also reinforce coaching cues with video.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
The use of the video camera and film review would go well with our multimedia class.
The film review would be the initial follow up, but we could also perform the lesson again at a later date to track improvement.
Materials: DVD/VCR Players, Tripods