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Titanic Research Book

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Keywords: Titanic, Book Making
Subject(s): Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grade 4
School: Norwood Elementary School, Dundalk, MD
Planned By: Elizabeth Askine
Original Author: Elizabeth Askine, Dundalk
Titanic Research Project

This is an “IN CLASS” project! It is not to be done at home! All materials, including research materials, will be provided to you. We will spend 2 full days researching and discussing the project then, you will have 7 additional days to work on and complete it in class. This project is additional work on top of your expected daily independent work.

Expectations: You will write a 10-12 page informational book about the Titanic using your research notes. Each page will contain at least 2 sentences, giving at least 2 related facts. Each page will also contain a photograph or hand drawn picture related to the facts on the page. We will use the computer (storyjumper.com)to create our final project. In class, you are expected to create your rough draft, edit, and complete your second draft (which will be used to create your final copy on the computer). All of this will be done when your independent work for the day is completed. Second draft papers will be provided, all other draft work should be completed on scrap paper and kept in your reading folder.

Time Line: Week 1~ In class research time
Week 2~ Work on and complete rough draft, editing, and second draft in class after independent work is completed
Week 3~In class time to type and complete book on computer (storyjumper.com)
Week 4~Final book due (and displayed for entire class to view)
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Social Studies
Have students read the books to younger students.
Links: Link to storyjumper
Materials: Mobile Labs, Computer Accessories, Power, Keyboards, Ports and Hubs, Mice