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21st Century Book Club

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Keywords: Book Reports, Speeches, Reading, Writing
Subject(s): Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar
Grades 1 through 5
School: Preston Junior High School, Fort Collins, CO
Planned By:
Original Author: Teresa Stiles, Acworth
After reading a self-selected book, students will write a response in the form of a book review. Each student will use the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, proofreading, and editing) before conferencing with the teacher.

The reviews must include the Title, Author, Genre, recommendation, and a summary of the story (being sure to not give away the ending).

After conferencing with the teacher, the student will rehearse the book review with a partner. The focus will be on speaking fluently with a confident voice and using inflection to set the tone of the story.

As students become confident in their presentation, they will record and edit their report using a microphone and recording software. The students will be allowed to conference once with the teacher about any needed improvements and then record a second time if necessary.

The teacher will then upload the recording to the "digital library" for others to enjoy.

Reviews will be graded based on a teacher scored and self scored rubric.
Students are very excited to hear themselves recorded and love to tell other students to "check out" their book review.
Students can use software to create digital story boards of the book being reviewed.
Materials: Digital Voice Recorders, Microphones, Flash/USB Drives, Podcasting