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Weather Watchers

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Keywords: weather data collection, video projects, science and math and art integration
Subject(s): Art, Video, Social Skills, Technology, Geography, Writing, Music, Reading, Earth Science, Information Skills, English/Language Arts, Science, Drama, Math
Grades 5 through 7
School: Nebo Elementary School, Nebo, NC
Planned By: Stella Brewer
Original Author: Stella Brewer, Nebo
Students will divide into weather teams. Each week, a different team will monitor the local weather through a wireless weather data monitor and post information in our class weather journal; as well as on the global weather Web site. They will then write a morning weather report, edit it, and film with a Flip Camera. After posting this to our class Web page, they will present the information on the school-wide morning announcements and send a copy to the local television news station.
Periodically, the class will review the past weather data and make inferences about our local trends and weather patterns. Students will create graphs with this data and compare our area to other regions around the world by looking at the information posted by other schools on the global weather Web site. Students will then find the median, mode, range, and mean of recent temperatures, barometric pressures, average rainfall, etc.
As a follow-up to this morning routine, students can write weather related expository articles and poetry, and research various weather phenomena including local weather folklore. Students can also incorporate drama through acting out scenes such as the water cycle, and can sing songs to help in vocabulary memorization and understanding. Songs can be found on teachertube (Cool Water Cycle Song).
Students can also participate in art activities related to weather such as using paint and cotton to make a "type of clouds" display; or use shoeboxes to build dioramas of various climate zones.
Student work will be graded on a rubric which will include participation, research skills, cooperative work, accuracy of data, creativity of projects, and their score on an "end of grade science test" type assessment.
This project has flexibility to be as detailed as you like; or can still have great education benefit to only utilize the math and science components.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This project integrates science with math, art, music, drama, writing, and technolgy
The project can span over the course of the entire school year.
Materials: Flip Video, Flash/USB Drives, Video Tools