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America’s Roaring 20’s Decade Silent Movie Project

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Keywords: silent movies, roaring 20's, video project
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing, Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Journalism, History
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Hutto High School, Hutto, TX
Planned By: Jacqueline A. Casey
Original Author: Jacqueline A. Casey, Hutto
* The student will create a silent movie – a minimum of 2 minutes in length
• The student will describe:
Major Headlines of the 1920s
Entertainment of the 1920s
Fashion of the 1920s
Presidents of the 1920s
• The student will analyze the causes and effects of 1920’s society on today’s society
• The student will plan, shoot, and edit video files
• The student will create an appropriate graphic organizer to compare/contrast and/or show cause/effect of a requested 1920s topic.
• The student will create a works cited page using appropriate style formatting.

Getting Ready:
• Reserve the computer lab or mobile computer lab.
• At least one week prior to starting the project, make sure the students can log into their computer accounts.
Students must go to the library or computer lab, sign-in and sign-out to verify their account is working.
If there is an issue with a student account, create a workorder with the student name, grade level, and student id number
• Make copies of any documents to be given to the students for reference

Lesson Steps:

• Complete 1920’s classroom instructional unit(s)
• Handout Copies of 1920’s instruction sheet
• Handout copies of the Copyright and FairUse guidelines document
• Go over the instruction sheet and the Copyright and Fair Use guidelines documents with the students
• Go over the project timeline with the students
• Provide the students with time to ask questions about the instructions, copyright guidelines, and timeline
• Verify students understand the instructions. Ask:
What is the minimum length of the video? (2 minutes)
What else must be included along with the video footage? (still pictures)
Should this video have sound? (No, it is a silent movie) So what else should be included? (captions & titles)
Can music be included? (yes) What type of music? (period music)
What topics need to be covered?
When is the project due?
• (Research time) During research time facilitate student’s research activities by providing assistance with search strings, areas to check for books, periodicals, etc…
• (Video Creation time) During the time students are creating their videos facilitate their creation by:
Providing students with storyboards and a shooting schedule so they can organize their shoots
Provide assistance to students needing additional help with basic video editing skills
Assist students with search strings necessary to find pictures and/or documentation
Assist students by pointing them to one of the additional resource websites
Monitor progress and encourage students to keep up with the timeline discussed in class

Assessment Opportunities:
shoot chart

Supporting Documents:
1920s Video Project Student Directions.docx
1920s_Video Project Rubric.docx
1920s Project Resources pages.docx

Other Information:

Research materials and/or internet access
Computer lab
Video cameras

Time Requirements:
1 week


Installment Plan
RecommendedGroup Size:

Groups of 3-4 students

We did this activity this year. Students had fun with it but we had technology issues. Students had to use their own video devices which caused problems transferring them to our school computers (restrictions set). Then the video editing programs available were not user friendly. Having the filps and video editing software would make this lesson more fun for all.
A viewing night will be planned with individuals who lived during the time being our special guests with discussion between students and guests concerning the effects on their families the roaring twenties had.
Materials: Video Cameras, Flip Video, Portable, Projector Screens, Video Tools, Camera/Video Accessories, Camera Bags, Batteries, Cables, Keyboards, LCD Monitors, Mice
Other Items: 10 Flip video cameras HD kits, $185.00 each, total of $1850.00