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Seven Degrees of Separation Video

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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): Video, Social Skills, Technology, Writing, Information Skills, English/Language Arts, Drama
Grades 7 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Stilwell Junior High School, W Des Moines, IA
Planned By: Jasmeen Overlin
Original Author: Jasmeen Overlin, W Des Moines
***I have chosen to give a lesson plan from one of the video-shooting days. I would be more than happy to submi the entire projects worth of lesson plans, if needed.

Purpose: To teach students how to work together as a group, be accountable for thier part within the group, to practice leadership skills, to perform a memorized part of a script, and to use a flip camera and successfully download the video to Movie Maker.

Tools: All costumes, props, and set items for the scene
Flip Camera
Computer with Movie Maker and downloading capabilities

Procedure: 1. Give videographers the flip camera and send them to the previously determined location of the scene to set up any items beyond the space. 2. While they are doing that, the costume/prop individuals are dressing cast members for the scene using previously gathered materials. 3. While the cast is being dressed, the script writers are going over any last minute updates to the script, or giving suggestions of movement or voice annunciation for particular lines. 4. Once the cast is ready, they go to the set where the videographers have been waiting. All direction from this point is from the videographers; they are "in charge". 5. Film the scene using a flip camera. Make multiple takes. 6. Once the scene is filmed to the videographers satisfaction, the cast and costume/prop individuals return to the room to change. 7. During this time, the videographers go to the computer lab to download the footage. 8. by the end of class, the entire group is back in the room and does a de-brief, led by script and videographers.

Homework: Be prepared to film the next scene tomorrow. Scripts should be memorized, and all costumes at school.

Long Term Homework: Videographers will need to edit the downloaded video from the flip camera and be prepared to share the final production (7 scenes) at the end of the unit.

Evaluation: Seen in class through student interaction, seen in creativity of scripts and costumes/set, seen at the end of the unit when viewing the completed video.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This could be used with any curriculum by giving guidelines at the beginning that all topics of the Seven Degrees must be scientists, or from a certain time period in history, etc.
This process is also converted to a web-like graphic, and that image is used at a later date during our Brain Research Unit to model the way the brain learns and retains information 9by linking new info to previous knowledge).
Materials: Flip Video, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Memory Cards, Headsets, LCD Monitors, Mice, Screen Capture, Integrating Technology