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Flip Out Over Weather

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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): Earth Science, Science
Grades 4 through 9
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
View Full Text of Standards
School: Creek Bridge High School, Marion, SC
Planned By: Cynthia (Cindy) Floyd
Original Author: Cynthia (Cindy) Floyd, Marion
Lesson Title: Flip Out Over Weather
Time Required: 7 to 10 One hour class periods
Materials: Laptop, Internet access, Windows Movie Maker and PowerPoint, Headset with Microphones, Discovery United Streaming, Flickr, Promethean Board, FlipVideo Cams, Video Camcorders, Webcams.
Content Area Standards and Performance Indicators:

•ELA Standard 6-5 The student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences.

•Science Standard 6-4 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between Earth's atmospheric properties and processes and its weather and climate. (Earth Science)

Technology Skills Standards and Performance Indicators:

2. Create original animations or videos documenting school, community, or local events.

9. Integrate a variety of file types to create and illustrate a document or presentation.

IRA/NCTE Standards Which Address Nonprint Sources of Information
8 Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.

Lesson Objective(s):
•Students will investigate will be assigned aspects of weather study and write a report.
•Students will use Flip Video cameras to film each other reading their report.
•Students will gather photos and video clips to use in a video project that utilizes their weather report.
•Students will work in groups to create a video script derived from their report.
Technology Is Used to Support Student Learning in the Following Ways:
•Students will use their weather report as oral presentations for their video.
•Students will learn sequential communication by editing video using Windows Movie Maker.
•Students will learn non-verbal communication by the use of music from Soundzabound to include in their video.
•Students will learn the use of non-verbal communication by the use of still photographs in their videos, if appropriate.
•Students will reinforce learning about weather by investigating and reporting about the weather.

How the Teacher Uses Technology:
•The teacher will use the Promethean Board to instruct students on the use of Widows Movie Maker.
•The teacher will instruct students in the proper use of various video cameras.
•The teacher will use Promethean Board and Discovery United streaming to instruct students in searching for and gathering appropriate video clips.
•The teacher will use the Promethean Board to instruct students on the use Soundzabound Royalty Free Music Clips for use in videos. How the Students Use Technology:
•Students will use their laptops and Microsoft Word to write their Weather Reports.
•The students will use video cameras to film segments of their videos.
•Students will use their laptops and Windows Movie Maker to edit their video segments and to produce their videos.
•Students will upload videos to the school site.
Classroom Management Techniques:
1.Students will be divided into groups.
2.Students will decide on type of video they want to make. IE-Chroma Screen, Reg. Camera, or Voice Over.
3.Each student in the group will be assigned a role: camera person, script writer, clip/photo gatherer and video editor.
4.Special needs students should be grouped with students who can assist them when needed.

Preparation Before Class:
1. Gather sample clips and photos for students to view and use.
2. Show sample videos utilizing voice over (such as documentary film), and Chroma Screen videos.
3. Send links of United Streaming, Flikr, and Soundzabouds to students.
4. Reserve the computer lab, if laptops are not available.
5. Assure that students have ample storage space for large video files.
6. Students should have a pre-written weather report print out.

Introduction to the Lesson: View videos of weather clips and Chroma Clips from United Streaming. Ask students if this is a more effective way to learn about the weather than just reading about it. Explain that they will make a video using their pre-written weather reports telling about the weather.

1. Using the Promethean Board, open Movie Maker. Demonstrate to students how to import pre-downloaded video clips and photos into Movie Maker.
2. Demonstrate to students how to make an opening title for the video.
3. Using the Movie Maker timeline view, demonstrate how to trim clips and mute the sound on the downloaded clips.
4. Once clips are trimmed and assembled on the timeline, distribute headsets, and show students how to record their voice over for the clips. (Microphone Icon)
5. Have students choose clips or stills for the Chroma key background if that is their video choice.
6. Demonstrate to students how to make a closing credit title with citations of sources.
7. Demonstrate to students how to finish (render) the video.
8. Using a flash drive, allow students to share their videos on the Promethean Board with the entire class.

Guided Activity: Students will follow along with the teacher, and make a video as teacher demonstrates Movie Maker as in the “Instruction” section.

Independent Activity: Student groups will use their weather reports to write a script, and produce a movie presentation.

Assessment: Rubric attached

Lesson Extensions:
• Students can use MS Word to make posters about the weather.
• Students may show case videos on the teacher webpage or other web pages.
• Students could write a quiz on the weather which accompanies their video.

Materials: Video Cameras, Flip Video, Digital Cameras, Video Tools, Camera/Video Accessories, Flash/USB Drives, Middle