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Teaching to Learn

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Keywords: Flip Video, math, demonstration, teaching to learn
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Math
Grades K through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Sunset Elementary School, Craig, CO
Planned By: Cheryl Arnett
Original Author: Cheryl Arnett, Craig
After learning new math concepts or skills, students pair up to explain the concept or skills to each other. They take the role of teacher as they use manipulatives and marker boards to design a way to "teach". One partner then uses a flip video camera to film the lesson while the other does the teaching. The video is then uploaded to Youtube and our class blog so that other students can refer to it for learning.

Students use math, speaking skills, problem solving and creativity to visually demonstrate and film the lesson.

The students are responsible for filming only the hands of the demonstrator to protect the identity of the student online. They must demonstrate proper digital citizenship as they post to the internet audience.

The lesson is simple and based on the research that shows we remember 90% of what we teach! Students are given the opportunity to not only teach their partner, but also the entire class, and, even more importantly, the world. The audience insures their retention of the learning. They become the expert!

Flip Video Cameras make this an independent activity for second grade students!

Only a flip video camera and a computer for uploading are required.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
The same strategy can be applied to learning in any curricular area. We have used it for several other lessons.
Links: Link to YouTube
Link to YouTube
Link to YouTube
Link to YouTube
Link to YouTube
Materials: Flip Video