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"50 Ways to Use Your FlipCam"

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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): Video, Information Skills
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Sollers Point SE Tech High Sch, Baltimore, MD
Planned By: Marnie Harbach
Original Author: Marnie Harbach, Baltimore
Lesson Objective: Mary (Marnie) Harbach

This lesson/ppt was developed in order to teach the audience simple ways to enhance their teaching and to help invest their student in their education by using a Flip cam.


What are the benefits of using a FLIP cam?

• Develops Confidence
(Experimenting with video cameras help students review what they have done and get feedback BEFORE the work is assessed, giving them confidence in what they are doing.)

(Using the flip cam gives the student work that is outside the pencil and paper arena. Once outside the box, students are likely to take projects a step further and go beyond what the curriculum demands.)

• Media Literacy
(Using a flip cam helps them to stay in touch with today’s technology; preparing them for the future.)

• Gives the students RESPONSIBILITY
(It helps students learn to care of valuable and sensitive equipment)

• Curriculum benefits
(And the flip cam also stretches the teachers imagination to help fill the students with their curriculum and to help cement major concepts.

(from digitalwish.com)

50 ways document sheet and slide presentation distributed to audience so that notes may be taken for what I is not on the slides. Words in parenthesis do not show on slides. Some parenthesis indicate flip video that is imbedded in the power point presentation.

Earlier in the year I asked the Sollers faculty this very question. WWYD with a flip cam?

This is presentation is a combination of their ideas as well as some from outside sources.

Some of these suggestions are general and some are specific.

1. Capture & edit critical elements of a lesson
(Good for review… student can come before school or after to revisit concepts taught the previous day.)

2. Summarize and note taking
(Put on edline or teacher website)

3. Video for students who are absent
(Students can take turns videoing portions of the lesson for other students)

4. Video one class demonstration to show another class
(Or you can video a project this year to show a class next year.(

5. Drill can be taped & recorded by students with writing issues

6. Flip a scavenger hunt
(When learning instruments, lab equipment students can record answers on video and transfer to paper. Or teacher can record and students identify equipment. Forcepts, slide cover, parts of a microscope, etc.)

7. Flip safety rules
(Students can video tape proper ways to use equipment eg...safety, handling equipment, saw use, not distracting students using electrical equipment.)

8. Flip objects that students need to know
(Various kitchen equipment/tools/lab equipment can be video and put on computer as a quiz– this can loop during a lab and students can catch snippets.)

9. Flip interviews…
(Interview someone who witnessed a historical event. Many English/Language Arts or history assignments can begin by using the flip as initial research)

10. Video test/study guide—talk through process of elimination of selected responses.
(Put online)

11. Compare and contrast video
(Compare old with new, compare lab results, what happened after the control in an experiment changed.)

12. Create an advertisement
(Act out part of a play to advertise your show or a chapter of a novel or play. Or of a math process using people to represent numbers and signs.)

13. Video math processes to view on edline

14. Flip homework assignments (Math Homework.MP4)

15. Use it to show detail work
( For our industrial tech teacher he uses it to show detain in chasing threads on a lathe… this is hard to see unless you are right on top of the machine.)

16. Use to video snips of curriculum to start discussion
(What ever your next unit is, begin with a video of real life that connects with your curriculum.)

17. Video study skills
(Give highlights of what to study.)

18. Video project 2010-01-28 13 02 48.MP4
(Use for labs or projects… what could have made the project better. It is evidence that the students followed directions.)

19. Use to video predictions and hypothesis
(Literature– predictions and Labs-- hypothesis)

20. KWL
(3 stages… ask students about a project or a unit that you are moving into. Have them video what they know… either show objects or video each other as to what one person knows… video what they want to know. At the end of the unit, review the video and flipcam what they learned. This can be saved for next time you teach that topic and show portions as an introduction.)

21. Clips to parents (edline or email ) (Plantholt teaching (2).MP4)
(Actual video of a parent conference meeting. Words were not enough.)

22. Inventory
(Video what is in your classroom.)

23. Recruiting and/or advertising
(Place video on morning announcements to advertise what you do in your class (e.g. high school electives) Video plays or school events. Club and extra curricular activities.)

24. Field trips (job shadow)
(Video field trips from last year as an introduction to this year’s trip...What you will see, or how does this relate to our curriculum and what we are studying now.)

25. Real world images and examples
(Laying carpet, porportions in measuring… video whatever real world connections you can to link your curriculum to our students lives.)

26. Film students in action using equipment.
(Use this as a review or the start to a unit the next year.)

27. Student observations (Chem lab.MP4)
(Have students video one another and discuss what they are doing during a lab or even during a time when students are working on bcr’s. Saying what they are doing or what they are writing about will help the students to remember core concepts and details.)

28. HSA review
(Video step by step problems– student and teacher driven.)

29. Visual vocabulary development
(Electricity: Go outside and take a video of electricity…Power lines, transformers, muscles, lights, etc.)

30. Mini-documentaries
(Pictures of examples of symbioses (relationships of two types of living things) in the world around you.– robins/trees, bees/flowers. Video a student acting out a word.)

31. FLIP mock interviews

32. FLIP yourself teaching
(Look for positives in your teaching style and things you might wish to change.)

33. FLIP math and science in everyday life (2009-12-17 08 52 42.MP4)
(In this next clip the students had to solve math problems to help them place the boards at the proper heights and angles. Show your students that what they learn has real life application.)

34. FLIPing your students when they are giving a speech and playing it back for that individual student

35. Special Education – oral assessments

36. Student portfolio (2010-01-15 11 29 14.MP4)
(This can be videoed for the student to use for a college application or when applying for a job.)

37. “Reaction Cam”
(Students pass the camera and “flip” questions for clarity and the teacher and/or class responds at the end of the period.)

38. Teacher creates a movie trailer
(Movie trailer to introduce next unit.)

39. Video observations
(Video teacher observations for teacher review, a teacher suggestion.)

40. CSI: Chemistry Investigators (from digitalwish.com)
(Students are given a case to investigate to determine substance…CSI chemistry)

41. Paper airplanes and linear equations ( from digitalwish.com)
(Students make paper airplanes to demonstrate practical use of linear equations and then film which ones go the furthest)

42. Use for corrective feedback on project before the final due date.
(Students could submit project for teacher review. The teacher then uses the video to show students where they can make modifications, etc.)

43. Role playing a situation
(Whether job related or personal, students can role play a situation to help understand correct responses.)

44. Student use flip to send clips of their work home to study.

45. Teachers can view progress of home projects.
(This is if the teacher lends out camera.)

46. Students teach topics to other students
(Some students my not want to get in front of a class to demonstrate something or teach part of the curriculum. With the flip cam the students can record their part of information to be viewed by all.)

47. FLIP video learning outcomes (from www. Zardec.net)
(Some schools in Western Australia are videoing learning outcomes as a matter of record or proof that the student learned what the curriculum stated they were to learn.)

48. FLIP on the website
(Show off school using flip clips on the website)

49. Create a video yearbook
(An archive of the years events, with interview, projects, field trips, etc)

50. Decomposers
(Take pictures of decomposers in action. Leave some food, such as moistened bread or fruit) out to mold. Use your digital camera to record what is happening day to day.)

Materials: Flip Video