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Spring Fashion Show

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Keywords: Flip Video, fashion show, 6+1 traits: word choice
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing, Reading, Business, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Drama
Grade 3
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
View Full Text of Standards
School: Blue Star Elementary School, Holland, MI
Planned By: Lori Sanders
Original Author: Lori Sanders, Holland
1. Distribute a variety of catalogs. Instruct students to study the descriptions of the various products in the catalogs, paying particular attention to the types of exact wording that is used to bring out the color, texture, attributes and usage of the products. Coldwater Creek catalogs are great models to use for this activity.
2. After conversing about the actual words that really bring out the essence of the products and making a list of the adjectives and ideas, the kids will be instructed to choose an outfit or something that can be modeled in a fashion show. Other choices may include motocross outfits, helmets, fishing attire, etc. The students will bring in their choices the following day.
3. The next day the students will work on descriptions, using the catalogs as models and for ideas.
4. Once all the descriptions are completed and okayed, the students will model their outfits while a friend reads the description that was written. This will continue until all students have been taped and recorded.
5. Music will be set to the video and title pages made for each category of clothing (sporting equipment, Sunday outfits, etc.).
6. DVDs will be made for each child as a keepsake. A classroom book will also be made using photos of each child and typed descriptions.
This project can be done fairly cheaply. All I really need would be the cameras. I'm also a novice and really don't know much about flip cameras, editing videos, duplicating DVDs, posting online, etc. This will be a learning experience for me as well!
Materials: Flip Video, DVD Camcorder, CDs and DVDs, Office Suite, Word Processor