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How a Bill Becomes a Law - Music Video Project

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Keywords: Flip Video, Bill Becomes a Law, Civics, Government, Legislative Branch
Subject(s): Civics
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Orchard Farm High School, Saint Charles, MO
Planned By: Brad Robertson
Original Author: Brad Robertson, Saint Charles
How a Bill Becomes a Law
Music Video Project

Overview: As we get ready to learn about the three branches of government, we will be focusing on powers and processes of each branch and how each branch keeps the other two “in check.” We will begin with the legislative branch, learning the requirements for becoming a Senator or Representative, and the duties each. You already know that the purpose of the legislative branch is to make laws, but we have not looked at the lengthy process of how bills become laws.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to allow you to get involved in the process of a bill becoming a law. A bill is a proposed law. Getting a bill passed is a long, difficult process. This helps ensure that the country’s laws will be sound ones.


1. The class will be divided into groups of three or four.

2. The first task of your group will be to determine the process for a bill becoming a law. (This information can be found in Chapter 5 Section 4 on p.148) There are also multiple websites that have excellent examples of the process. Ex: http://www.usconstitution.net/consttop_law.html DUE ________

3. Now that you know the process of a bill becoming a law, your group is going to create a music video that describes the process step by step. You will need to complete the following.

a. Choose a song for teacher approval (You will not use the song’s original lyrics so any song will work!) After choosing a song, you must have a copy of the original lyrics and be 100% sure that there is a karaoke version of your song. DUE ________

b. Write lyrics for your song that follows the process of a bill becoming a law. You may include a chorus and lyrics that don’t have to do with the process, but the overall product should focus on the necessary steps.

c. Turn your lyrics in to Mr. Robertson for evaluation and suggestions. DUE ________

d. Film a video of your group using singing/rapping your song using Flip Cameras. All group members MUST make at least one appearance in the video. RECOMMENDED – film in multiple locations, use props, costumes, GET CREATIVE!

e. Create your music video by splicing / editing your film and adding desired effects. The following programs come STANDARD on all computers and are excellent for creating your music videos.
i. PC – Windows Movie Maker
ii. Mac – iMovie

f. Your final project will be DUE ________________!!!

5. Mrs. Botkin has one Flip Camera that can be used while on school grounds. If you are interested in borrowing one of her cameras, make reservations with her as EARLY as possible as there will be around 16 groups doing this project. If you or your parents have a video camera, I would ask that you use those (with your parents) permission. Just make sure that the video can be saved onto a hard drive so you can edit your movie. (It is possible to do it the old fashioned way, but much more time consuming)

6. Your grade will be based on how you explain the process of a bill becoming a law, the quality of your video, and your creativity. Make it fun to watch!!
The students absolutely LOVE this project! It requires a lot of work outside the classroom and can be confusing concerning the editing of the song and video, but if you know how to operate windows movie maker, it goes very smoothly. My freshman handle this project very well.
Materials: Flip Video, CDs and DVDs, Hard Drives, Camera/Video Accessories, Flash/USB Drives, Power, Keyboards, Headsets, Mice, Social Studies, Video Tools, Music, Autism, Dyslexia, Speech and Language