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ABC's Made Easy

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Keywords: Flip Video, for Moodle
Subject(s): Spelling, English/Language Arts, Reading, Writing
Grade K
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
View Full Text of Standards
School: Corpus Christi Catholic School, Holland, MI
Planned By: Kateri Coffin
Original Author: Kateri Coffin, Holland
The children and I will be video taped.

First I will show the letter as I say its name. (A a)
Then I will show a picture as I say the word name. (apple)
Then I will say the sound the letter makes. (/a/)

Next I will have a student show the same letter (A a)
The student will next show their drawing of something they chose that starts with the /a/ sound. (alligator)
Lastly the child will say the sound. (/a/)

The children will be challenged to come up with fun words and illustrate with personal drawings for each letter.

We will go back and forth between the teacher and student giving the letter name, picture of word that starts with the letter sound, and the sound the letter makes all the way through the alphabet.

We will use our classroom Bright Links or document camera when displaying the pictures for each letter of the alphabet.

I will enter the video onto a Moodle - either personally created or the school's - for parents and / or children who may need / want extra reinforcement in this area. This way it will be accessible to anyone at any time.
Materials: Early Learning, Flip Video