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Los Modales- Manners

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Keywords: Flip Video,
Subject(s): Social Skills, Foreign Language
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Frenship High School, Wolfforth, TX
Planned By: Susana Fitzgerald
Original Author: Susana Fitzgerald, Wolfforth
Lesson plan for Spanish II

Using chaptervkocabulary about common etiquette

Divide the class in groups of 3-4.

• Provide the students with a vocabulary list to be used.
• Due to limited time, each group will have 4-5 vocabulary words to demonstrate. To vary the assignment each group should use different subject forms such as the polite form or the common form, etc.

• Using Spanish, or the target language, the students will video themselves demonstrating the vocabulary. They may provide examples of what should and shouldn’t be done.

• Afterwards they may edit the video add sounds, dialog bubbles, or written words.

• Once completed, they will present to the class the created video demonstrating models of courtesy and rudeness.

Allow 3 class days,

Day one: create the video

Day two: edit the video in the computer lab

Day three: Present to the class.

Grading rubric may include: vocabulary, pronunciation, accurateness of information, creativity, presentation, and participation.
Materials: Flash/USB Drives, Art Tools, Sound Libraries