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Flipping for Positive Behavior

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Keywords: Flip Video, Positive Behavior, Windows Movie Maker
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing, Music, English/Language Arts, Drama
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: L'Anse Creuse Middle School, Chesterfield, MI
Planned By: Allison Boska
Original Author: Allison Boska, Chesterfield
During a class discussion on proper hallway behavior, students will generate a list of reasons why hallway procedures would need to exist.
• Have the students discuss what would happen if we had no hallway rules.
• Have the student’s brainstorm a list of what good hallway behavior would look like and sound like - use a T chart.

Hallway example
Students will:
Travel directly to destination when given a pass
Use their agenda as a hall pass
Stay to the right side of the hall during passing time
Use appropriate language and volume
Help others in need
Clean up litter-even if it’s not yours
Keep hands and feet to yourself

This discussion will be held for several different school locations.

This hallway list will then be used as a model of how a skit can be created to demonstrate proper hallway behavior. Students will be instructed on how to write a script and create a storyboard. The teacher will use the hallway list as a model for creating a script and storyboard.

Students will sign up to create a skit for different locations throughout the school. Each group will be responsible for creating a script and storyboard for their short video. Once their materials have been approved by the teacher, groups will be given a camera and tripod to film their video. Each group will use the class members as their talent in the video. They will be given a time limit for videotaping.

Once each team has their video footage, they will import the video into Windows Movie Maker and edit the movie to include titles, credits, transitions, special effects, and music as directed in class.

Once completed, the videos will be shared in the class and stored on a shared drive for building teachers to utilize in their classrooms for instruction.
Students will be "Caught Being Good" when they demonstrate the behaviors exhibited in the video.
Students will get guided practice on each of the areas videoed with a teacher to model the expected behavior.
Students will complete a self-reflection assessing how they currently behave in the different locations and how they can improve.
Materials: Flip Video, Tripods, Video Tools, Music, Integrating Technology