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If I could...

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Keywords: Flip Video, movie trailer, proportions, If you hopped like a frog,
Subject(s): Art, Video, Technology, Geography, Life Science, Writing, English/Language Arts, Science, Drama, Math
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Four Winds School, Chico, CA
Planned By: Rebecca Hubbell
Original Author: Rebecca Hubbell, Chico
Day 1 -
Read the book "If You Hopped Like A Frog," by David Schwartz to the class. (10 minutes)
Discuss the math behind the animal/human proportions that are presented in the different scenes in the book. (10 minutes)
As a class, work through the math behind the title scene.
"If you hopped like a frog. . . you could jump from home plate to first base in one mighty leap."
In the back of the book all of the science and measurements behind the statements made are listed. As a group we will establish and work through the proportion of body size to jump distance for both a frog and an average human. Then establish the average height of the students in my class and see how it might change the length of the proposed jump. (20 minutes)
In groups of 3-4, students will pick a different scene from the book. They will use the scientific and measurement information provided in the book to work through the proportions behind the statement in the book. They will also establish an average for their group, and determine how that would change the proposed action. (20 minutes)
Homework - Think of and research 3-4 different ideas for unique animal traits that would be fun to illustrate.
Day 2 -
In groups of 3-4 create and write their own animal/human proportional statement. The groups will pick one unique animal trait and compare that to their group average, using proportions. Then apply the proportion to proposed a human action. Create a statement and a scene. (20 minutes)
Create props, and background setting. (20 minutes)
Using one flip camera for each group of 3-4, film the scene. Plug the flip camera into the computer and upload, and combine the video clips together into a movie trailer. (20 minutes)
Day 3 -
Finish filming, processing and editing the video clips. (30 minutes)
Share the movie trailers with the class. (30 minutes)

Save all the movies trailers on a flash drive and mail it to the author of the book, David Schwartz. Include a class letter describing the process used to create the movie trailers.
Other then the filp camera'sand a flash drive the only thing you need to purchase is a least one copy the book.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Science, Math, Literature, and Geography skills will all be used in this activity.
Students can share the book and movie trailers with students in younger classes.
Materials: Flip Video, Short Throw Projectors, Digital Voice Recorders, Microphones, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Power, Keyboards, LCD Monitors, Mice, Video Tools, Music
Other Items: 1 "If You Hopped like a Frog," by David Schwartz, $13.00 each, total of $13.00