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Keywords: iPod, Turning Point, Differentiated Instruction, Smart Board, Scholastic Study Jams
Subject(s): Technology, Home Economics, Business, Math
Grades 3 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Cartmell Elementary School, Carrollton, KY
Planned By: Krista Chatham
Original Author: Krista Chatham, Carrollton

Beginning Activity---I will introduce and students will record daily objective (WALT statement) in agendas, then prepare for 10-4(review activity using four boxes and 10 minutes - the students will answer spiral review questions during this time). Students will start class by completing sponge activity , "10-4" (10 minutes to complete four squares of math problems) in composition books. SmartBoard timer will be set for 10 minutes, during which time students are to work independently on 10-4 activity displayed on SB, and study weekly facts level or work on weekly homework if finished before timer sounds. I will monitor student understanding by circulating the room during the 10-4.

Anticipatory Set--Class review 10-4, focusing on bottom 2 squares, which introduce today's lesson topic and objective, converting money. Three students will simultaneously share their work on each problem and explain their thinking strategies used to solve each problem. Class will check for accuracy and ask any questions upon completion of each problem.

Review-Study Jams video and interactive via SmartBoard. Students will view Study Jams video (www.studyjams.scholastic.com) "Making Change", which displays two methods of making change for purchases. Then students will complete the two practice problems in their math journals. Teacher will check for understanding via monitoring journal entries.

Technology Activity Directions--Teacher will provide directions to students for practice activities,which include either Making Change game on student computer (www.mathplayground.com) with a partner, or playing the Coins and Bills app on iPod touch (independent). Students will complete one activity before lunch and one after lunch, in 10 minute rotations. Teacher will model each activity prior to rotations.

*Technology Failure Back-Up Plan--"I have…who has…?" game and Money Bingo

-Rotation One (regulated by SmartBoard timer)

Activity #1--Computer: Students will divide among student computers in pairs and play www.mathplayground.com game via PortaPortal site. (10 students total; 4 pairs on student computers, one pair on SmartBoard)

Activity #2--iPod Touch: Coins and Bills app (remaining students)

-Rotation Two (regulated by SmartBoard timer)

-Using Powerpoint, I have created a multiple choice exit slip activity (Money Combinations Table) to assess understanding. The students will use Turn Point Clicker system to buzz in with their answers. If extra time, the students will complete an open response question after this exit slip activity.
Materials: Networked Projectors, Whiteboards, Elementary, Games, Internet Services, Integrating Technology