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Cesar Chavez Cubist Face

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Keywords: Cesar Chavez, Pablo Picasso, cubism
Subject(s): Art, Writing, History, English/Language Arts
Grades 3 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Research and Information Fluency
View Full Text of Standards
School: Arellanes Elementary School, Santa Maria, CA
Planned By: Therese Brady
Original Author: Therese Brady, Santa Maria
1-Show the www.brainpop.com video about Pablo Picasso, 10 minutes.
2-Show the www.brainpop.com video about Cesar Chavez, 10 minutes.
3-Read the ebook about Cesar Chavez on Level Y on the website www.raz-kids.com, 10 minutes.
4-Distribute art supplies to students and explain that they will do a directed drawing watching an Art with Joy-Picasso Face video on California Streaming. Explain to students that they will incorporate elements and symbols that reflect the life and work of Cesar Chavez, 10 minutes.
5-Generate a list of symbols that would appropriately reflect the work and values of Cesar Chavez, 10 minutes.
6-Display the Art with Joy-Picasso Face stopping it when necessary for students to have a chance to draw their rendition of Cesar Chavez, 50-60 minutes.
7-Students will need additional time to outline and color their portraits, 30 minutes.
8-Teach students to write a paragraph that describe and explain their portraits, including details about who the portrait is of, the style it is done in, and the symbolism, 30 minutes.
“This is an exciting and motivating art and history lesson. Students are super eager to learn about cubism, and apply the principles of the genre to a portrait of an American hero. This lesson is easily adaptable to any historical figure that is faced with polarizing feelings/conflicts.” -Teacher
Portraits are graded on effort and demonstration of the understanding of the elements of cubism and the appropriate use of symbols that reflect the values and work of Cesar Chavez. Paragraphs are graded on a 5-point rubric. A culminating activity is an "Art Show" where the students' works are displayed for public viewing.
Links: Link to brainpopjr.com
Link to raz-kids.com
Materials: Projectors, Internet Services
Other Items: 1 subscription to brainpopjr.com, $ 135.00 each, total of $135.00
1 subscription to raz-kids.com, $ 80.00 each, total of $80.00