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Cool Careers Podcast

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Keywords: podcasting, podcast, careers
Subject(s): Podcasting
Grades 7 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Paseo Verde Elementary School, Peoria, AZ
Planned By: Nicole Nitschke
Original Author: Nicole Nitschke, Peoria
1.) Students will be placed into groups of 4
2.) Students will choose roles - President, Secretary, Delegator, Info Seeker
* President - leads group, reads all directions, keeps group on-task
* Secretary - records information for the group, keeps paperwork safe
* Delegator - assigns tasks to group members
* Info Seeker - asks teacher for clarification/help as needed
3.) Student groups will choose a career to find out more about (each group in the class MUST have a different career)
4.) Students will use www.azcis.intocareers.org to find information on their assigned career. Delegator will assign each group member 2 of the items listed below to research about their career:
* What they do at the job
* Money
* Education Needed
* Working Conditions
* Other interesting facts you think are worth mentioning
* What types of people you think would be best at this type of job
* Why you think people should consider going into this career field
5.) When research is complete, the group will use the program, Audacity, to record their podcasts.
6.) Once the podcasts are complete, students can edit them in Audacity or Movie Maker, as needed. They will then be posted on the teacher's website for all to listen to.
7.) When all podcasts are recorded, take some time to share them with the entire class. The class can then rate each podcast, including their own, using the rating sheet below:

Peer Review of Podcast for Group:
___ ___ ___ Introduction
___ ___ ___ Details of Career
___ ___ ___ Who would be best for this career
___ ___ ___ Why you might recommend this career
___ ___ ___ Overall quality of INFORMATION
___ ___ ___ Overall enjoyment of presentation

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This truly could be adapted for ANY subject and most grade levels.
Materials: Digital Voice Recorders, Podcasting
Other Items: 6 USB Microphones, $15-30 each