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Masked Name Effect with Action Script 2.0

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Keywords: Adobe Flash, animation, name, clipping mask, mask,
Subject(s): Art, Video, Animation, Technology
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Axtell High School, Axtell, TX
Planned By: Lynn Burleigh
Original Author: Lynn Burleigh, Axtell
Time required to complete the lesson: 1-2 class periods

Required materials:
Adobe Flash CS3 or later software
Background Clipart

•Students will learn how to use key frames in the animation to make the object
disappear off the stage.
•Students will be selective in their visual design and create action scripteffects that
correlate with the animation's timing.

Student Instructions:
1.Open New Flash File: Action Script 2.0

2.Click the Document Size Button
Title= Masked Name Effect with Action Script 2.0
Dimensions= 550px (width) x 400px (height)
Background Color= White (#FFFFFF)

3.Save the file in your Flash Folder
File Name= Masked Name Effect
Save as type= Flash Document (.fla)

4.Insert Layers:
Be sure the layers are in this order on the timeline:
• Actions
• Name (This will be the Masked Layer)
• Background

5.On the Background Layer, Click in Frame 1
Import Clouds.png to the Library and drag the Bitmap onto the stage.
Use the Transform tool (Q) to resize it.
Look in the properties window and set your dimensions:
(W 902.9, H 403.0)
Place the left edge of picture on the left edge of stage.
(X -1.1,Y -0.2)

6.On the Name Layer, in Frame 1, Select the Text Tool, Click on stage.
Type your first name. Use all Caps: Vagabond
Click the transform tool.
Resize to fill the stage.

TIP: To see the stage click outline mode on the background layer

7.On cell 60, select all layers, insert keyframe (F6).
Click the background layer, keyframe 60 and using the transform tool (Q), resize the background by making it thinner (W 70.8 x H 403) and put it off the left edge of the stage. This will make your name erase as it plays.

8.Right Click on the Name Layer and select Mask

9.Right Click on the Background Layer at frame 30 to create a motion tween.
Check movie: Ctrl Enter
Only the letters in your name should be filled with the clouds and the clouds should be moving, wiping your name off the screen.

10.To insert Actions:
Click in Cell 1 of the Actions Layer, Go to window, Actions. This opens the Action Script Window.
Click the Blue Cross: (Add a new item to the script)
Global Functions, Timeline Control, play. Close Window.

Click in Cell 60 of the Actions Layer, Go to Window, Actions.
Click the Blue Cross: (Add a new item to the script)
Global Functions, Timeline Control, Stop.
Close Window.

Test Movie…Congratulations!
Publish as a .swf file to My Big Campus.
This lesson can be used to engage students in animation.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Any text can be used. With more than one layer, students could use this technique to create terms and definitions for science.
Students can use this technique to create banners in webpages.
Materials: Flash/USB Drives, Art Tools, Authoring and Publishing, Slideshow, Clip Art, Timeline, Screen Capture, Animation, Student Resources, Integrating Technology, Cause and Effect