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See the Music

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Keywords: PowerPoint, music, creating presentations,
Subject(s): Information Skills, Social Studies, Spelling, Technology, Writing, History, Music, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 4 through 5
NETS-S Standard:
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Denker Ave Elementary School, Gardena, CA
Planned By: sharlene scott
Original Author: sharlene scott, Gardena

Introduction::Students will be asked to think about a musical artist, genre, or song that has affected them in some way.

Prompt: Each student will choose a person, song, or genre that has been influential in music. Students will research their topics and use the information gathered to create a PowerPoint that is five to seven minutes long that teachers others what they discovered during their research.

* Teacher will need to have minimal knowledge of using PowerPoint, importing images, andembedding video.


Material : photos, illustrations, albums, music CDs, books, chart paper, three-column graphic organizer, note taking graphic organizer, storyboard template,

1. Teacher will use realia ( photos, books, CDs, MP3 player) to introduce students to influential artists, genres, and songs. The teacher will ask student to tell what they know about music. the teacher will chart responses on a large three-column chart labeled 'What We Know, What We Want to Learn, and Resources.

2. The teacher will ask students to think about something they want to learn about related to music. The class will discuss and chart related responses.

3. The teacher will ask students to name resources that would be useful for their projects. Teacher will chart the resources.

4. Teacher and students will bring in needed ressources for research. ( Search your school or local library prior to starting) Students will spend 3 to 5 days ( 30 to 45 min.) engaged in research. The teacher should guide students in note taking if they are unfamiliar with the process prior to starting the lesson.. If researching a person, I'd suggest a two- column outline with notes on the artist's personal life and professional highlights. ask students to concentrate on interesting or little known facts about their topic.

5.After completing their research, students will then use a storyboard template to create a mock-up of images they will use in their PowerPoint presentations . Encourage them to think of ways to incorporate animation, music, and video clips. Students should keep text to a minimum (captions, famous quotes) so the presentation tells the story.

6. Students will need an additional two or three days to create their PowerPoint. Each student will present their completed project to the class.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Portable, Art Tools, Flash/USB Drives, Books, Office Suite, Slideshow, Clip Art, Animation