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Personal PowerPoint

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Keywords: Interests, Personal Details, PowerPoint, Talents, Experiences, Favorite Thing
Subject(s): Technology
Grades 8 through 12
School: KIPP, DC College Prepratory Academy, Washington, DC
Planned By: Tatiana Petrone
Original Author: Arlene Amati, Coal Center
Students must fill out the outline.

Name (first, middle, last): _______________________________________________
Grade: _______________________________________________
Birthdate: _______________________________________________
Age: _______________________________________________
School& Graduation Year: _______________________________________________
Town of Residence: _______________________________________________
EyeColor: _______________________________________________
Hair Color: _______________________________________________
HospitalBorn at: _______________________________________________
Nationality(top3): _______________________________________________
Brothers:_____________________________ Sisters: ______________________________
Pets: _______________________________________________
Organizations/Clubs/Sports: _______________________________________________

Interests: Talents:
1. ______________________________ 1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________
5. ______________________________ 5. ______________________________

Job/Volunteer Experiences: ___________________________________________________________________

Color: ______________________________________
Food: ______________________________________
Candy: ______________________________________
Season: ______________________________________
TVShow: ______________________________________
Sports Team: ______________________________________
Free Time Activity: ______________________________________
Hobby: ______________________________________
MusicType: ______________________________________
Holiday: ______________________________________
SummerActivity: ______________________________________
Winter Activity: ______________________________________
Celebrity: ______________________________________
Superpower: ______________________________________
EndlessSupply of: ______________________________________
Smell: ______________________________________

List 3 places you would like to visit and why:
1. _________________________ because _______________________________________________________
2. _________________________ because _______________________________________________________
3. _________________________ because _______________________________________________________

List your nationalities (top 3):
1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________

Choose a person or group of people that you admire. Why? (at least 3 sentences)
I admire _________________________________________ because __________________________________

A quote or famous saying that you like: _________________________________________________________
For the future, I want to: _____________________________________________________

Alsothe rubric will be used for grading the PowerPoint.
Personal Power Point Presentation Grading Rubric

Requirements for each slide:
Slide 1: Your first, middle, and last name ____ / 1
Assignment- Personal Power Point Presentation ____ / .5
Background picture (Order>send to back) ____ / .5

Slide 2: (Intro Slide) Personal Details ____ / .5
Background picture (Order>send to back) ____ / .5

Slide 3: Title- Personal Details ____ / .5
12 answers ____ / 6
Insert at least 3 pictures ____ / 1.5
Custom background (2 colors gradient fill effect; shading style; variant) ____ / .5

Slide 4: (Intro Slide) Interests & Talents ____ / .5
Background picture (Order>send to back) ____ / .5

Slide 5: Title- Interests & Talents ____ / .5
Bulleted list of 5 of your interests ____ / 5
Bulleted list of 5 of your talents ____ / 5
Insert at least 3 pictures ____ / 1.5
Custom background (2 colors gradient fill effect; shading style; variant) ____ / .5

Slide 6: (Intro Slide) Experiences ____ / .5
Background picture (Order>send to back) ____ / .5

Slide 7: Title- Experiences ____ / .5
List at least 3 places you have volunteered and/or worked in bulleted list ____ / 1.5
Insert at least 3 pictures ____ / 1.5
Custom background (2 colors gradient fill effect; shading style; variant) ____ / .5

Slide 8: (Intro Slide) Favorite Things ____ / .5
Background picture (Order>send to back) ____ / .5

Slide 9: Title- Favorite Things ____ / .5
16 answers ____ / 8
Insert at least 3 pictures ____ / 1.5
Custom background (2 colors gradient fill effect; shading style; variant) ____ / .5

Slide 10: (Intro Slide) Vacation Spots ____ / .5
Background picture (Order>send to back) ____ / .5

Slide 11: Title- Vacation Spots ____ / .5
Choose 3 places you have vacationed at or would like to visit ____ / 1.5
Insert at least 3 pictures (1 for each vacation spot) ____ / 1.5
_name of place__, because… ____ / 1.5
Custom background (2 colors gradient fill effect; shading style; variant) ____ / .5

Slide 12: (Intro Slide) My Culture ____ / .5
Background picture (Order>send to back) ____ / .5

Slide 13: Title- My Culture (& underneath, list your nationalities) ____ / .5
List your most prominent nationalities (at least 2) ____ / 2
Insert a flag for each & text box inside each flag with name of country ____ / 1
Insert at least 3 pictures representing something from your background ____ / 1.5
& text box next to each with the name of picture ____ / 1.5
Custom background (2 colors gradient fill effect; shading style; variant) ____ / .5

Slide 14: (Intro Slide) I Admire… ____ / .5
Background picture (Order>send to back) ____ / .5

Slide 15: Title- I Admire… ____ / .5
Name person/group of people you admire ____ / 1
Write at least 3 sentences explaining why you admire that person/group of people ____ / 1.5
Insert at least 3 pictures ____ / 1.5
Custom background (2 colors gradient fill effect; shading style; variant) ____ / .5

Slide 16: (Intro Slide) Words of Wisdom ____ / .5
Background picture (Order>send to back) ____ / .5

Slide 17: Title- I Admire… ____ / .5
Choose a quote or saying that appeals to you ____ / 1
Insert at least 3 pictures ____ / 1.5
Custom background (2 colors gradient fill effect; shading style; variant) ____ / .5

Slide 18: (Intro Slide) For the Future… ____ / .5
Background picture (Order>send to back) ____ / .5

Slide 19: Title- For the Future… I want to… ____ / .5
Write at least 3 plans/goals you have for yourself for the future in a bulleted list ____ / 3
Insert at least 3 pictures ____ / 1.5
Custom background (2 colors gradient fill effect; shading style; variant) ____ / .5

Slide 20: (Intro Slide) Final thoughts… The End ____ / .5
You can choose to write any “last words” or final thoughts on the closing slide
Background picture (Order>send to back) ____ / .5
Total: 66 points

Teacher Comments:

Slide Content/Requirements:
Total Points: ______ / 66

Slide Transitions:
Total Points: ______ / 58

Cumulative Total: ______ / 124 points
Students enjoy this project and must show many skills that they have learned in a PowerPoint class.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This PowerPoint can be used in many different classes - instead of doing a resume on paper students can use this for an interview to enhance their skills
Students will present the powerpoint to the class. This is an actual interview for them.
Materials: Student Resources, Midi Instruments, Sound Libraries, Pro Composition, Clip Art, Slideshow, Office Suite, Flash/USB Drives, Digital SLR