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Create A Keychain using 3D design

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Keywords: 3D Design, 3D printing, Computer, Tinkercad, special needs
Subject(s): Art, Robotics, Science, Special Needs
Grades P-K through 9
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: The Riverview School, Long Island City, NY
Planned By: Charles Gerber
Original Author: Charles Gerber, Long Island City
The Riverview School- 277Q Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mr. Charles Gerber
Grade Level: 9th - 12th
Subject/ Discipline: Vocational Ed
Duration of Lesson: 45-50 minutes

Goals: CCLS should link to Objectives
Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS):
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- ETS1: Engineering Design
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
- RI: Reading Informational Text
- Technology: Designs and Creates to meet needs
- Managing Resources
- Thinking Skills

Lesson Objective (Essential Question?):
How can I use 3D modeling software to design a marketable product?
Why are we learning how to use 3D design?

Student Objectives (Skills to take away?):
Students will learn how to utilize 3D software to design a keychain that can be sold at “The Riverview Cafe”

Differentiation: What are the learning needs for individual students?
How and which students are grouped?
Level B: (expected)
Students will create any keychain they like using the skills learned
Level C: (expected)
Students will create keychains with their first name
Level D:
Students will create a keychain with our school name “277Q”

Materials: Projector, Tinkercad website, Support Checklists, 3D objects

Anticipatory Set: How are you motivating the students to participate?
Display job opportunities that students can explore.
Turn and talk. Do any of these positions interest you? if so why? If not why not?
Let students share out what they discussed
Review 3D objects we have looked at as well as the new object (headphone holder)
The teacher will review what we had learned last class about the profession of “Architect” and how architects use 3D design on the computer to create houses and buildings.
“Our Unit goal is to explore professions that utilize 3D printing and design” but today our focus will be on “designing a marketable object that can be at “The Riverview Cafe”
3 min

Introduce and Modeling of New Knowledge: What is taking place in the Mini-Lesson?
Hand out self assessment checklist
Teacher will display how to navigate to Google Chrome and click on the link for today’s lesson on Tinkercad.com
Students will follow along to the Tinkercad website and watch as the Teacher will model how to use the software on the lesson titled “Name that Keychain” and click on the link for “Create your name from letters”
Teacher will display what the end expectation for the project is. Teacher will display how to choose “text” as an option and scroll down to the letters.
Students will navigate on their laptops to the same screen displayed and navigate to the text menu. Teacher will drag and drop 277Q into the workplane
5-7 min

Guided Practice: How are the students grouped for optimal outcomes? (Small Groups, Learning Stations, etc.)
*Students will Drag and Drop 277Q into the workplane
Thumbs up if you are with me
*Reminding students how to use the “view cube” to see different angles
Today we will mostly be using the “Front” and “Top” views
Today we will practice learning how to “align” objects for our keychain by putting a rectangle around it
(teacher will purposely misalign letters to show how the align tool works)
Thumbs up check
expected answer from bold - Answer: “Now our next step is to bring our letters together to make it look more like a keychain so when we print it out, if we don’t the letters will print out separate and our keychain will not work”
“Click on the first number “7” on your workplane and then you can click on the left arrow to move it over”
“You want it to overlap just slightly”
“Do the same with the rest of your items so that each one is touching the text or letter next to it”
Why are we moving the letters over to touch one another?
Finally, we will choose “Shapes” from the menu and drag and drop in a “Ring” to work as part of our keychain. Drag it to the number “2” and Click on the corner white square to adjust the size. Finally we will put a big rectangle around everything and click on the icon for “Group”. Now it is your turn to make it your own. Click thru the steps on the arrows and click on “continue”. Now you will design your own keychain.
Why are we designing keychains anyway?
So we can have a marketable object to sell at “The Riverview Cafe”
Take a moment to think of a design for your keychain. What will it look like?
Turn and talk to a partner
What type of keychain will you be creating and why?
First you will sketch out your object on paper before you create your own keychain.

Independent Practice: What skills will the students be working on? (Work Stations)
While students sketch out keychains objects.
*3-5 mins to sketch out ideas
Teacher will display their own “Created Keychain” on the board as inspiration.
Students will use a checklist to follow the skills learned and create a step-by-step keychain using 3D software on Tinkercad.com. If they complete the keychain, they will raise their hand to show me the project and I will circulate assisting them on how to save their files for printing at a later date.

Closure: How are students summarizing what they have learned?
Who will buy your keychain and why?
Students will verbalize what they had learned in their own words and complete differentiated exit slips based on today objective.
How do I know that I followed my checklist correctly? Does your
3 min
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Students will be selling the best items in "The Riverview Cafe", our school store that currently carries only food, but will be expanding to merchandise.
Students will conintue using the 3D software to become "problem solvers"
Materials: Electronics, Computer Accessories
Other Items: 1 3D printer, $2,500 each
4 Makerbot PLA Filament, $160 each, total of $640.00