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Math: Couniting Money

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Keywords: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OKfKuX9L33xkiuppPgSABI9iWcnAijXFCcta2MLN20o/edit
Subject(s): Math
Grades 1 through 2
NETS-S Standard:
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Adorable Minds Academy, CLARKSTON, GA
Planned By: Jazmine Lawrence-Diallo
Original Author: Jazmine Lawrence-Diallo, CLARKSTON
Link; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OKfKuX9L33xkiuppPgSABI9iWcnAijXFCcta2MLN20o/edit

the Standard
This Weeks: Powerpoint Resource
MD.8 PowerPoint
Teacher Educational Resources/ Additional Resource
Math Fluency
After watching this video why is it important to teach math fluency?
MGSE2.MD.8 Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
Clustered Standards:
Review Standards: MGSE2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
MGSE2.OA.1 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one and two step word problems by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem

Learning Target (LT)/ “I can” Statement:
I can add money using word problems.

Direct Explanation (DE)/ “I do”
Recorded Synchronous Instruction
The teacher demonstrates the knowledge and skills for the lesson’s concept.
Modeled Real World Task &
Teacher Think Alouds/ Intro Lesson’s Vocabulary


Introduction/WarmUpMath Fluency Activity.
5 min min review: Review previous standards. Exhibit different coins on the Mimio board and have students elaborate about the value of each coin using their prior knowledge.

Set the Purpose: So far, you have learned about adding numbers within 100, words problems, and much more. Today you will use what you know to develop mental math strategies to word problems using with money.
What are some possible combinations of coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters) that equal 37 cents?
What are some possible combinations of dollar bills ($1, $5 and $10) that equal 12 dollars?
Teacher will introduce vocabulary and definitions. Introduce dimes, nickel, and pennies slides. Discuss the coins. Explain that these coins have values of ten cents, five cents, and one cent, and so when we add them up we can think of adding tens rods and ones blocks like we did when learning place value. Practice counting by tens with students. Complete mini vocabulary activity.

Using manipulatives have the students match the value of each coin to its number. Interactive tool: Making Coins
After doing so, the teacher will show a quick video in reference to money concepts.

Watch: Coins
During the video students will jot down 1-2 important facts about what they learned. Then have students share out as a whole group.

Real World Connection- How can money be used in the school? What are some things you use your money to buy after school?

Math Modeling- Using the CUBES strategy, the teacher will model a word problem on the mimio board.

Word Problem: Jamaine has a quarter, 2 dimes, 3 nickels, and 8 pennies. How much money does Jamaine have?

Teacher will circle the numbers in the problem, underline the question box with any math action words, evaluate what the problem is asking, and then solve and check the answer.

In doing so the teacher has to identify the value of each coin in the word problem. Teacher will then solve the problem through the CUBES strategy.

Watch: I ready money solving word problems

“We Do”-Guided Practice
Mix of Synchronous & Asynchronous Instruction
Incorporate SEL Instruction here*
The teacher provides students with opportunities to practice the concepts and skills with teacher guidance and corrective feedback.Guided practice can be done in Whole Group and Small Group Instruction during this phase.
Another Task (Problem)-related to standard

Guided Practice: Technology resource https://www.didax.com/math/virtual-manipulatives.html
will explore mental math strategies for word problems involving money problems using different strategies they have previously learned such as, break apart method, making friendly numbers, start change and result, mental math and other prior learned strategies. .Support students through this process. Then allow students to provide their mental strategy to the class. Ask evidence based questions to challenge their understanding.

“You do”- Independent Practice
Asynchronous Instruction
Allow students to practice the concepts independently using the lesson’s skills, language, and/or practices.
Final Task related to the standard:

DES/EIP/ Gifted Differentiated Assignments
Group 1: Prepare for solving word problems involving money.( Google Form I ready)
Group 2: MD.8 Choice Board

MGSE2.MD.8 Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
Clustered Standards:
Review Standards: MGSE2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
MGSE2.OA.1 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one and two step word problems by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem
MGSE2.OA.2 Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.

Learning Target (LT)/ “I can” Statement:
I can add money using word problems.

Direct Explanation (DE)/ “I do”
Recorded Synchronous Instruction
The teacher demonstrates the knowledge and skills for the lesson’s concept.
Modeled Real World Task &
Teacher Think Alouds/ Intro Lesson’s Vocabulary


Introduction/WarmUp: Daily Number Talk/Math Fluency Activity.
5 min min review: Review previous standards

Set the Purpose: So far, you have learned about adding numbers within 100, words problems and much more. Today you will continue to use what you know to develop mental math strategies to word problems with money.

Teacher will Introduce new vocabulary and complete mini vocabulary activity.
Watch: Counting coins
Remind students of the purpose of today's lesson. Tell students that today they will use their prior knowledge of adding within 100 to solve word problems involving money.
Using the mimio board the teacher will place different coins on the board and have students elaborate about the coins value. Teacher will then model pages 243-244 as a whole group. Have students read the problem at the top of the page. Ask a volunteer to review for the class the information given in the problem. Work through the practice problems as a class. Make sure students understand how to solve the problems using different strategies.
Discuss as a class each math problem. Listen to students responses and take annotated notes concerning their strengths and weakness
Watch: I ready money solving word problems

TTW: Use different strategies and manipulatives to guide students to solving addition problems involving money. Coins value 1-50 cents. Place a sample coin on the board and ask students what its value is and also create a sample word problem involving its value. Ex: Kim has 2 dimes, 3 nickels and a penny. How much money does Kim have? Then ask students to tell you different strategies they can use to solve this problem.Interactive tool: Making Coins Do the same process with different coins and word problems. Ask students to show and explain their findings. Continue to ask evidence base questions to challenge their understanding.
Interactive tool: Making Coins

“We Do”-Guided Practice
Mix of Synchronous & Asynchronous Instruction
Incorporate SEL Instruction here

The teacher provides students with opportunities to practice the concepts and skills with teacher guidance and corrective feedback.Guided practice can be done in Whole Group and Small Group Instruction during this phase.
Another Task (Problem)-related to standard

Guided Practice: Students will identify the value of each coin and relate it to solving different money word problems.Students will continue to work on mental math coin/value word problems.

“You do”- Independent Practice
Asynchronous Instruction
Allow students to practice the concepts independently using the lesson’s skills, language, and/or practices.
Final Task related to the standard

DES/EIP/ Gifted Differentiated Assignments
Group 1: I ready WB pages 246
Group 2: MD.8 Choice Board

MGSE2.MD.8 Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
Clustered Standards:
Review Standards: MGSE2.NBT.5 and MGSE2.OA.2.

Learning Target (LT)/ “I can” Statement:
I can add using like coins( same coin values).
Direct Explanation (DE)/ “I do”
Recorded Synchronous Instruction
The teacher demonstrates the knowledge and skills for the lesson’s concept.
Modeled Real World Task &
Teacher Think Alouds/ Intro Lesson’s Vocabulary


.Introduction/WarmUp:/Math Fluency Activity. Spend 5 minutes on mental math strategies adding different numbers of coins mentally .

Set the Purpose:.Students yesterday we focused on word problems involving money. Today we will reinforce this concept to finding the value of sets of like coins.

Modeled/Instruction: Teacher will Introduce new vocabulary and model the SSU strategy (See, say, use/model).

Watch: Money Video

Model: Model how to correctly coin and identify coin values. Model how to make equal groups using the same coins and values. Example 10 dimes equal 1 dollar, 20 nickes, and 4 quarters on the mimio studios board. Ask students to solve the problems individually and show all their work. Tell students to describe their thinking. Model and guide students in completing pages 247-248. Listen to students' responses, engage them in positive conversations concerning today’s standard.

TTW asks students random questions concerning their strategies they used to solve today's math standard. Discuss the importance of counting on and making equal groups of money using the same coins, asking students to consider different strategies they used to create different sets of coin values. Lastly, the teacher will review to check for student understanding.

Watch: Money Video

“We Do”-Guided Practice
Mix of Synchronous & Asynchronous Instruction
Incorporate SEL Instruction here

The teacher provides students with opportunities to practice the concepts and skills with teacher guidance and corrective feedback. Guided practice can be done in Whole Group and Small Group Instruction “this phase.
Another Task (Problem)-related to standard
Guided Practice:
Students will demonstrate their understanding on representing different coin values using different coins. Have students focus on today's strategies to solve problems on page 248 ( i-ready). Students should have a clear understanding of sets of coin values.

“You do”- Independent Practice
Asynchronous Instruction
Allow students to practice the concepts independently using the lesson’s skills, language, and/or practices.
Final Task related to the standard

DES/EIP/ Gifted Differentiated Assignments
Group 1:Standard base assignment ( iready page 248-249)
Group 2: MD.8 Choice Board

MGSE2.MD.8 Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
Clustered Standards:
Review Standards: MGSE2.NBT.5 and MGSE2.OA.2.

Learning Target (LT)/ “I can” Statement:
I can add using different money amounts.

Direct Explanation (DE)/ “I do”
Recorded Synchronous Instruction
The teacher demonstrates the knowledge and skills for the lesson’s concept.
Modeled Real World Task &
Teacher Think Alouds/ Intro Lesson’s Vocabulary


Introduction/WarmUp: Daily Number Talk/Math Fluency Activity. Adding using different coins.

Set the Purpose: You have learned how to solve math problems using the same coins. Today you will continue to work on understanding how to add using different money amounts.

Watch: Equivalent Coins

Model: Model how to correctly count different money amounts of coins using the mimio studio board. Ask students to solve the problems individually and show all their work. Check students' understanding by asking students
“What is the value of a dime, 5 pennies, and 2 quarters? Remind students of different strategies they can use to solve these problems. Play money games with students by telling students “ I have 7 coins that equal to 85 cents what coins do I have? Try this with your students until they have obtained a clearnunderstaning of the main concept. And so on, tell students to describe their thinking. Model and guide students in completing pages 253-254. Listen to students' responses, engage them in positive conversations concerning today’s standard.

TTW asks students random questions concerning strategies they used to solve today's math standard. Discuss the importance of grouping like coins together. Then ask students how this is similar to solving money addition problems. Support students' fluency and coin identification skills with other examples to reinforce today’s objectives.
Additional Resources:
Watch/ Engage:Engage and learn

“We Do”-Guided Practice
Mix of Synchronous & Asynchronous Instruction
Incorporate SEL Instruction here

The teacher provides students with opportunities to practice the concepts and skills with teacher guidance and corrective feedbackGuided practice can be done in Whole Group and Small Group Instruction during this phase.
Another Task (Problem)-related to standa
Guided Practice:
Students will demonstrate their understanding on finding the values of set or mixed coins. Have students focus on today's strategies to continue to work on this standard.

“You do”- Independent Practice
Asynchronous Instruction
Allow students to practice the concepts independently using the lesson’s skills, language, and/or practices.
Final Task related to the standard

DES/EIP/ Gifted Differentiated Assignments
Group 1: I Ready pages 255-256
Group 2:MD.8 Choice Board

MGSE2.MD.8 Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
Clustered Standards:
Review Standards: MGSE2.NBT.5

Learning Target (LT)/ “I can” Statement:
I can add/Subtract coins fluently.

Direct Explanation (DE)/ “I do”
Recorded Synchronous Instruction
The teacher demonstrates the knowledge and skills for the lesson’s concept.
Modeled Real World Task &
Teacher Think Alouds/ Intro Lesson’s Vocabulary


IndependentLearning Day:
Students will review standard based activity.



“WeDo”-Guided Practice
Mix of Synchronous & Asynchronous Instruction
Incorporate SEL Instruction here

The teacher provides students with opportunities to practice the concepts and skills with teacher guidance and corrective feedback.Guided practice can be done in Whole Group and Small Group Instruction during this phase.
Another Task (Problem)-related to standard

Independent Learning Day:
Students will complete a mid-unit assessment.


“Youdo”- Independent Practice
Asynchronous Instruction
Allow students to practice the concepts independently using the lesson’s skills, language, and/or practices.
Final Task related to the standard

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
ELA and S.S
S.S and Science
Materials: Whiteboards, Dyslexia
Other Items: 5 Whiteboards
5 Printers
5 English/ Language Art (Reading)