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STEM it up with Technology at Philadelphia High School

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Keywords: Technology, Photography, STEAM
Subject(s): Art, Social Skills, Technology, Math
Grades 7 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Philadelphia Jr High School, Philadelphia, MS
Planned By: Nathan Sistrunk
Original Author: Nathan Sistrunk, Philadelphia
Our school is embarking into technology and currently have nothing to engage the students minds. We need funds so students will have the opportunity to think differently when asked to approach new activities and reach goals. Students need these technology devices to get caught up with the new ways of learning and build from it. Through the grant money awarded students will achieve higher learning and have higher expectations to reach upon daily.

With these items students will be actively engaged and tested like never before. Please help these students get items to further their education and show them that people are backing them with support and love to further their education. Currently we have no resources for students to be challenged and exposed to, but with the grant funds these items will do just that. These will keep the students out of trouble and advance their knowledge into the rest of their educational needs.

Thank you so much for your time and commitment to making education a better place for all of the students around.

We want to start a Tornado newspaper to pass out so the cameras will assist not only in the yearbook but also in the newspaper at our school. This will help in so many ways to get the students out of their comfort zone and prepare them to speak to others. We will also include sports in the paper so they will be involved in educational as we as athletic events. This is on top of helping with the yearbook preparation for the year on a yearly basis.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
These items will be used to work across multiple subject areas and across grades
These materials will be used for years and years.
Materials: Digital Cameras, Camera/Video Accessories, Video Tools, Hardware Devices
Other Items: 1 6 pack of nikon digital camera yearbook mobile lab, $3449 each, total of $3449.00
1 20 cubelets, $500 each, total of $500.00
1 Go Pro Series 8, $300 each, total of $300.00
1 Cue Steam Robots Promo Pack, $1575 each, total of $1575.00