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50 Words - Newsletter/Website Listing
50 Grants, 1 Application on Digital Wish
Teachers can simply register on Digital Wish and submit a lesson plan to qualify for over 50 technology grants. Download free lesson plans, explore fundraising ideas, and browse the grants database. Register your school, tell your story, build your wish list (like a wedding registry), then invite supporters to make a tax-deductible contribution. http://www.digitalwish.org
50 Words - Newsletter Listing
Digital Wish Helps Schools Get Technology Grants
Teachers are invited to register on Digital Wish, tell their story, and make their technology wishes public. The online donation feature allows anyone to make a tax-deductible donation to a classroom's account or purchase items from a teacher's wish list (like a wedding registry).
100 Words - Email or News Format
Visit Digital Wish for Fundraising and Grants
Check out the new grants and fundraising features at www.digitalwish.org. Teachers can simply register on Digital Wish and submit a lesson plan to qualify for over 50 technology grants. Teachers can explore a massive free library of technology-based lesson plans, loads of fundraising ideas, and a grants database of additional funding opportunities. Register your school, tell your story, and make your technology wishes public. Anyone can make a tax-deductible donation to your classroom or purchase items from your wish list (like a wedding registry). Download templates and run a letter-writing campaign to potential supporters. Registration is free at http://www.digitalwish.org.
200 Words - Short Article
Digital Wish Helps Schools Put Technology in Their Classrooms
Digital Wish (www.digitalwish.org) is on a mission to solve technology shortfalls in classrooms. Educators can use the school locator to find their school, register, and submit a lesson plan to win over 50 technology grant opportunities. Your local school is probably already in the system! Teachers can explore a massive free library of technology-based lesson plans, loads of fundraising ideas, and a grants database of additional funding opportunities.
Teachers are invited to register, tell their story, and make their technology wishes public on http://www.digitalwish.org. The online donation feature allows anyone to make a tax-deductible donation to a classroom's account, or purchase items from a teacher's wish list (like a wedding registry). Teachers can also involve their students in running a letter-writing campaign to attract supporters. There's a fantastic "how-to" PowerPoint presentation, plus dozens of printable worksheets and templates to help teachers integrate letter-writing into their curriculum. One school raised over $20,000 using this strategy.
Make your classroom Digital Wish come true! Registration is free and open to anyone at http://www.digitalwish.org.
200 Words - Links for Websites
Check Out These Grants and Fundraising Links on Digital Wish
Digital Wish is a vibrant and free resource for teachers who are seeking technology for their classrooms. Visit http://www.digitalwish.org for the following resources:
- Over 50 Digital Wish Grants - Apply for 50 grants directly from the Digital Wish website.
- Free Lesson Plan Library - Browse a free lesson plan library that includes extensive ideas on using digital technology in the classroom curriculum.
- Grants Library- Search a database of grants available from third party sources, which may also help schools find much-needed funding for classroom projects.
- Fundraising Ideas - Explore additional fundraising ideas.
- Printable Letter-Writing Resources - Run a letter-writing campaign to raise money for technology in the classroom.
- Shopping - Teachers can shop for technology resources and cast their Digital Wish.
- Teacher Profiles - Create a detailed classroom profile with lesson plans, project ideas, and a classroom wish list. See example.
- Supporter Class Locator - Supporters can click through a series of maps to locate a local school to make a tax-deductible cash donation or purchase an item directly from a teacher's wishlist. Digital Wish will match every donation with an additional 2% in funding.
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